(LifeSiteNews) – In 2017, Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary General Dr. Richard “Rachel” Levine, a “transwoman” who was then serving as Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, sent an email hoping to obtain research that favored performing mutilating “gender affirmation” surgeries on children thought to be experiencing gender dysphoria.
The co-founder of the gender clinic at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (ironically known as (“CHOP”) admitted to Levine at the time that they had already been performing “top” and “bottom” surgery on minors despite having no knowledge of scientific studies to support their Mengelian medical practices.
Activist Megan Brock posted a Twitter thread calling attention to a “bombshell” email exchange between Levine and Nadia Dowshen treating the gruesome practice matter-of-factly:
Bombshell email
In 2017, Secretary Levine asked CHOP Gender Clinic Co-Founder, Nadia Dowshen, for literature to support gender confirmation surgery protocols in minors. This was the response:
“Hi Rachel, I’m not aware of existing literature but it is certainly happening.”
Levine had asked Dowshen:
“I know that we had discussed at US PATH the possibility of gender confirmation surgery for young people under 18 years of age. This could include top surgery for trans young men and top and bottom surgery for trans young women.”
@SecretaryLevine, “I know that we had discussed at US PATH the possibility of gender confirmation surgery for young people under 18 years of age. This could include top surgery for trans young men and top and bottom surgery for trans young women.” pic.twitter.com/isDsNI3wWg
— Megan Brock (@MegBeileen) November 21, 2022
US PATH is the United States’ arm of The World Professional Association for Transgender Health.
The thread continued, quoting Dowshen’s response:
Hi Rachel, I’m not aware of existing literature but it is certainly happening. I think we’ve had more than 10 patients who have had chest surgery under 18 (as young as 15) and 1 bottom surgery (17).
Brock explained:
In 2017, @SecretaryLevine and Nadia Dowshen worked together to stop HB 1933, a bill that prohibited the use of taxpayer dollars to provide gender surgery or gender transitions services.
They were successful.
Just how successful was the joint state-children’s gender clinic in obtaining state funds for the mutilating of healthy young bodies?
The Pennsylvania Family Council reported:
Since 2015, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has spent over $16.7 million in tax dollars through PA Medical Assistance “on sex reassignment and transition related services and drugs..”
@PFIpolicy reported that, since 2015, the @PAHumanServices has spent over $16.7 million in tax dollars through PA Medical Assistance “on sex reassignment and transition related services and drugs..” pic.twitter.com/bFL33xPbP8
— Megan Brock (@MegBeileen) November 21, 2022
A dark alliance
Last month, LifeSiteNews journalist Ashley Sadler reported on the existence of a “dark alliance” between top state and federal officials and a Philadelphia children’s hospital to promote and perform destructive “gender transition therapy” on foster youth for profit.
Today’s publication of the 2017 email suggests that the formation of the alliance was based not on legitimate peer-reviewed research but on the not-fully-informed decision making of medical practitioners already dedicated to the promotion of the burgeoning “gender-affirmation” medical industry.
According to Jack Posobiec, a podcast host and senior editor at Human Events, the “alliance” involves Pennsylvania’s Democratic Attorney General Josh Shapiro “and politicians like him,” along with CHOP and Secretary Levine.
“They will take under 18-year-olds (which means minors) if you’ve been emancipated, if you’re on the street, or even if you’re in the foster system, and they will take children from the foster system and put them in this gender transition therapy,” Posobiec said. “They’ll do this to foster children. Kids who are already at a vulnerable point.”
Highlighting Daily Wire commentator and author Matt Walsh’s recent exposè of Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, Posobiec pointed out that transgender operations are extremely lucrative for hospitals because they require repeat visits.
“[I]t’s all about money,” Posobiec said, adding “ … the younger they get you, the more money they can get [from] you over the course of your life.”
Posobiec made the comments during a speech in Pennsylvania, where he was promoting Republican candidate Sen. Doug Mastriano for governor who lost to Shapiro in this month’s election. Smeared by left-wing outlets as a “far-right” candidate, Mastriano had introduced legislation to ban gender surgery for minors and voted to keep boys out of girls’ sports.
Concerns regarding the special vulnerability of children to the predations of the transgender industry, particularly children from broken homes, comes as left-wing school administrators have pushed to prevent parents from knowing about their child’s alleged gender identity while politicians angle to strip custody from parents who don’t want their child to undergo social, chemical, or surgical “transition.”
In September, California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation legally shielding parents who want to take away a child from his or her other parent in order to have him or her chemically or genitally castrated.