
Practical Steps from Doug Stringer on Walking in Gratitude And Opening the Door to the Miraculous

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Thanksgiving and Christmas are right here and it’s always the time of year where life tends to get a little crazy. As we enter into the holiday season it’s good to re-center our hearts with thanksgiving and gratitude for everything Jesus has done.

In an exclusive Charisma News interview we spoke with Doug Stringer from Somebody Cares about how to practically live a life of gratitude. Forty years ago Stringer was running a fitness business when God encountered him and opened his eyes to living a life fully devoted to the gospel.

In our interview, he talks about how to be available for God to use you. Part of his daily routine is taking time to spend with Jesus and just thank Him for what He has done. “Learning to appreciate and be grateful for people because there is the law of reciprocity,” Stringer says.

You carry the presence of God and as you worship Him in gratitude and that brings healing and deliverance to your life. With all of the global challenges, you might feel anxious about finances or health but God is in control. Stringer talks about what he has done in his life over the years that has opened the flood gate for God to move in miraculous ways.

“We get so absorbed with ourselves that we forget that we have great victories that come from the One who gives us those victories,” Stringer says.

Second Corinthians 2:14 “Now thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ and through us reveals the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”

Remember that you have so much to give to those around you because you have been in the presence of the Lord. Jesus is the one we look at, and model our lives after and in the midst of His suffering and persecution, He still found gratitude in the Father.

Fix your eyes upon Jesus today, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Tune into the interview for the full teaching.

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Shelby Lindsay Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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