Analysis. On Pray with America’s Leaders, IFA featured retired Col. John Mills, a former Defense Department official. Mills shared inside information about why China — specifically, the CCP — is such a looming threat to the United States. He also discussed ways that citizens and patriots can take on the deep state.
Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.
You may remember Mills: While serving our nation, he found himself in the middle of a plot to spy on candidates and former President Donald Trump. He would eventually disclose what he knew to the investigators working with John Durham.
Mills had this to say to IFA about becoming proactive in the fight against the deep state: “Citizens, patriots, and believers, if you don’t like what you see in the nation, the swamp and deep state, then we can work to remove them from their position. It’s on us to remove them.”
Now, we already know that we are being equipped to fight in prayer. But there is another way to become involved. You may think that the deep state is too big for an ordinary intercessor like you or me, but there is something we can do. The colonel laid out some practical ways of involvement.
“In 3,300 counties, there are seven common functions: There’s the election board, registrars, county council, school boards, judges, sheriffs, and prosecutors.”
Mills points out that the deep state infiltrates our nation beginning in our counties. Starting from those seven listed functions, he says, we can accomplish much. We can go to school board meetings. We can get to know school board members, sheriffs, and other local officials, and work to influence them.
“If we can dominate our counties, the nation will follow,” Mills said. “The challenge is for all believers and patriots who have in the past sat back and let someone else take care of those functions. Somebody did, and it was somebody who didn’t hold our worldviews or beliefs. It’s time to rise up and get involved. You can start by influencing your county. The foundation of deep state on a national level began in the county. It’s time to get off the couch and get in the game.”
IFA Chief Program Officer Kris Kubal noted: “We can all do something about our local area. If we all take up the issues in our own backyard, we can clean house, for the good of the nation. We can see big change come from the grassroots.”
Intercessor, your small act can have a big impact.
The China Connection
Though few are talking about the threat China poses to the U.S., Mills is blunt: “China wants to replace the United States as the preeminent nation in power. China’s policy enables detrimental issues at stake for our national elections. Our people serving overseas are using their systems.”
Asked why our officials have such a hard time dealing with China, Mills explains: “It’s a challenge for the globalist elite. The problem is there’s always a narrative concerning China, and secular human culture has already accepted it. The future — economic growth and good return on investments — is China. But it’s all fake. The globalist elite think if we play nice with China, they’ll become like us. The truth is, they’re heartless and godless.”
Mills notes that this is not referring to the Chinese people on the whole, but rather to the Chinese Communist Party, whose members care only about their ascension. “Everyone is either a tributary or a vassal, but you can fight it on the local level by getting out and voting.”
Mills says that even the opioid crisis is being fueled by China. “The fentanyl, it’s all China but is being brought into the U.S. through our weakened southern borders.”
God Delights to Use Weak Vessels in Great Power
So, what can the common person do to stand up and remove the deep state? Mills reiterates the importance of the county. “Dominate your county. It all starts in your county. Pick one of the seven functions and get involved somehow. Everything is built up on your county. If something’s cancerous or toxic in this nation, it began in our counties.”
Though the deep state is large and seems to have infiltrated everything, we serve a God Who uses underdogs and rewrites history. My faith is in the God who used a boy named David to slay a giant. He also used an 80-year-old named Caleb to defeat the Canaanite giants and gain his promised inheritance. He used a frightened man named Gideon, who hid while his nation was being plundered, to grow strong, lead his people into battle, and emerge victorious.
If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
Will you take a stand?
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand … (Zechariah 4:10 NLT).
To learn more about Col. Mills, visit his site and preorder his book: There is also a movie that will be streaming in select theaters in November and December.
Were you surprised to hear how the deep state began its infiltration? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
IFA Contributing Writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast, Something To Share.