
The Brew: Trump-Fuentes Dinner Was a Set-Up? – The Stream

Happy Wednesday!

We were so busy wrapping our head around a new week we lost track that yesterday was Giving Tuesday. The day where charitable organizations and non-profits make an extra pitch for help.

We tend not to push folks too often to help support The Stream. (And our idea to auction off the chance to have John Zmirak fly to your home to cook you dinner and dazzle you with his culinary and conversational skills never got off the ground.) But if the Lord so leads, please consider a donation to The Stream.

We do not run ads. (Ain’t that a blessing?) We simply run the best, most informative, aspirational, inspirational content we can … but it takes your help.

USA! USA! USA! Team USA Advances to Elimination Round After Beating Iran 1-0

The ending was a nail-biter, but ultimately Team USA held on to beat Iran 1-0 in the World Cup. The victory means the U.S. advances to the round of 16, where we’ll play Netherlands on Saturday.

Christian Pulisic scored the match’s only goal in the games 38th minute.

Whoa. Trump Dinner With Nick Fuentes a Set-Up Designed to “Make Trump’s Life Miserable”?

Former President Donald Trump is getting ripped on all sides for having a dinner at Mar-a-Lago with raving anti-Semite Nick Fuentes, who came along unexpectedly with Kanye West. However, NBC News is reporting that Trump did not know Fuentes and that Fuentes showing up with Ye was a trap to “make Trump’s life miserable.”

This thread of the story from Marc Caputo is a must read.

Meanwhile, John Zmirak has a posted a column touching on the controversy called “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Nick Fuentes?”

One last word: Trump is getting fileted for unwittingly eating with a virulent anti-Semite. Meanwhile, not a peep on the news that Sen. Raphael Warnock knowingly and routinely hosted a virulently anti-Semitic professor at his former church. (Who also happens to be a Black Nationalist.) 

Hey, Mitch. You said Tuesday that someone who dines with an anti-Semite won’t get elected president. What about someone who repeatedly welcomes with open arms an anti-Semite into a house of God? Is he fit for the Senate? If only you put as much effort into stopping radical, anti-American progressives as you do from stopping anyone with a MAGA hat. 

Joe Biden Calls On Congress to Avert Nationwide Rail Strike That He Said He Had Averted

A couple months back, Joe Biden boasted that he had negotiated a deal to avert a nationwide rail strike. Turns out, all he did was push it past the midterms for his and the Democrats’ political advantage. Now the rail strike is looming, and Joe is shuffling to Congress, pressuring them to enact legislation to ward off what would be a nation-crippling strike.

The House is scheduled to vote Wednesday to block the rail strike by imposing the tentative contract deal struck in September.

White House Pledges to Keep a “Close Eye” on Twitter

Did you see this? On Monday, the hapless Karine Jean-Pierre promised in response to a question that the White House will be keeping a “close eye” on Twitter.

Close eye? They can’t even keep Biden from getting lost on the White House lawn.

But talk about priorities. China can burn people alive, but Elon Musk pushing free speech? That requires the Regime’s attention!

HHS Whistleblower: Admin Using Taxpayer Money to Put Children into the Hands of Traffickers, Including Sex Traffickers

Tara Lee Rodas is with the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. She was detailed to help HHS process unaccompanied minors. She is now coming forward to Project Veritas with a terrible story to tell. “The tax dollars of people who are listening [to my testimony to Project Veritas] are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.”

She speaks of groups of children being sent to the same address. Girls who admit to being trafficked to men by their sponsors. Of trying to warn higher ups, just to be told, “Tara, I think you need to understand that we only get sued if we keep kids in care too long. We don’t get sued by traffickers.”

See the full story and her video here.

Should we be surprised that this administration is okay abandoning innocent children to their fate? Not if the next story is any indication.

Biden’s Again Ignoring Their Own Flesh and Blood

Once again, White House decorations ignore Hunter Biden’s daughter. The stockings hung above the chimney with care honor each of Joe and Jill’s grandchildren … except 4-year-old Navy Jones Roberts, the daughter Hunter fathered with stripper Lunden Roberts. Even the cat and dog got stockings.

Lunden’s lawyer told CNBC in March that he has never seen his daughter and has never expressed any interest in doing so. Given the Biden family history with children and young girls, it’s probably safer for little Navy that way.

Perhaps if Navy changed her name to Ukraine, he’d pay her mind.

Huh? Five Vehicles Rented by Secret Service Burst Into Flames a Day After Biden Ends Vacation?!?!

Meanwhile, some very strange business indeed. Five vehicles rented by Biden’s Secret Service detail burst into flames a day after Biden left his Nantucket vacation. Fox News reports it’s currently not known what caused the fire.

Yeah, the jokes write themselves. Mishap with Hunter’s crack pipe. Something ignited Joe’s leftover flatulence. Anything touched by Biden turns to ash. But it is no laughing matter, and as Chaffetz suggests must be thoroughly investigated. Sabotage missed by the Secret Service, thus a close call for the First Family? Evidence accidentally left in one of the cars, which Biden, Inc., needed to destroy? Something else nefarious? We need answers. 

Twitter Stops Trying to Censor Information Fauci Doesn’t Like

Twitter stops enforcing its “COVID-19 Misleading Information Policy” … which, in effect, was “block anything that challenges Fauci, WHO and the regime.”


The great Catturd summarizes the COVID years on Twitter:

Don Lemon Tells Colbert That CNN Was Never “Liberal”

Well, Colbert is supposed to be a comedy show.

Along The Stream

Did you catch the amazing column by Tom Gilson that finds the common thread between the “Respect for Marriage Act” and Trinity College’s plugging of a “transgender” Jesus during a sermon. It’s called “The U.S. Senate and the ‘Respect for Jesus Act’.”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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