
China crackdown: Cardinal Zen betrayed by Pope Francis – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Is the Chinese government falling? Is the Xi Jinping dictatorship going to fall? That’s the real question. There are tens of millions of Chinese people in the streets. The videos of that are getting blocked all over the place, but it’s happening.

What has been going on there has been incredible: We have the trial of Cardinal Joseph Zen, who was recently found guilty. We have Klaus Schwab praising China in the midst of all this disaster. And we also have the Vatican even suggesting that China is not persecuting Catholics. This is unreal.

But the West is in a no less crazy position. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is openly lying in front of the people in an inquiry and so-called sworn testimony. What does that even mean anymore? It’s so reminiscent of Bill Clinton.

But we also now have in the United States the passage of the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act,” which is completely different than any kind of respect for marriage, and it’s done with the help of so-called “conservative” Republican politicians.

This is Faith & Reason. We’ve got Jack Maxey with us, so we’re going to be addressing the latest on the Hunter Biden laptop revelations as well.

For all of this and more on this week’s episode of Faith & Reason, listen below or watch above.

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