
‘Queer activist’ judge removed from disciplinary trial of Canadian Catholic school trustee – LifeSite

Help Mike defeat the pro-LGBT school board: LifeFunder

(Campaign Life Coalition) — I’m pleased to report that Toronto Catholic District School trustee Mike Del Grande had a small victory on Day 1 of the inquisition that’s seeking to punish and humiliate him over his defense of Catholic moral teaching with respect to gender ideology!

On Tuesday November 29, one of the judges on the Ontario College of Teachers’ (OCT) Discipline Committee hearing against Del Grande, a Mr. Anthony Jeethan, was asked to recuse himself from the tribunal by Del Grande’s legal counsel.

The defense lawyer introduced a motion stating that Jeethan’s presence on the judicial panel represented “a reasonable apprehension of bias” and a conflict of interest.

Jeethan, one of three judges on the Hearing panel, describes himself publicly as a queer person of color.” At the hearing, he made a point of saying that the proper way to refer to him was “they/them”. He also requested to be addressed by his preferred transgender pronoun of “Mx” (instead of “Mr.”).

You read that correctly.

Del Grande is in trouble for opposing gender ideology in Catholic schools, and, amazingly, one of the judges was demanding that Del Grande refer to him using a transgender pronoun of “Mx”!

You can’t make this stuff up.

Del Grande is on trial by the College of teachers with the vindictive aim of stripping him of his teacher’s license.

The “crime” he committed was daring to object to a fellow trustee’s motion to add “Gender Identity” and “Gender Expression” to the Toronto Catholic District School Board’s code of conduct policy. He argued it would violate Catholic doctrine.

And for that, an LGBT activist filed a complaint to the College in order to punish Del Grande, using the excuse that his rhetorical device at the school board meeting in which he used exaggeration to demonstrate a slippery slope, was “offensive” to unnamed members of the LGBT community.

Now, back to Mr. Jeethan …

He’s a teacher at Lakehead University, and in a recent 2019 article titled Out In the Cold, he admitted to being “an LGBT activist”, “a bullied victim of homophobia”, and wrote that he does “not trust (school) administration”.

Jeethan also wrote that he believes “the nature of education is… political, as opposed to how most reasonable people would consider the nature of education to be, which is academic.

This LGBT activist, recruited by the College to sit as a judge, and who would be deciding the guilt or innocence of a faithful Catholic, also wrote that he’s informed by moral relativism and that there is no such thing as “moral truth.”


Could you ask for a more biased court? To top it off, if the OCT finds Del Grande guilty, they could order him to pay for this very expensive proceeding.

The good news however, is that Del Grande’s lawyer, Dr. Charles Lugosi, skillfully proved that an average person who is considering the nature of the complaint against Del Grande, together with Jeethan’s writings, could perceive “a reasonable apprehension of bias” and that the judge would likely find it difficult to be impartial.

Dr. Lugosi’s arguments for the real or perceived bias of Jeethan was so convincing that even the OCT’s legal counsel ended up concurring with his point that the panel member was a self-admitted “activist”!

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Parents’ Pledge: We will pull our children out of explicit sex-ed classes
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There are countless reasons to conclude modern sex-education is less about critical thinking and more about indoctrinating and sexualizing children at as young an age as possible.

Consider these 3 questions: 

  • Why are politicians around the world pushing radical transgender theories on children as young as 5? 
  • Why is the World Health Organization calling for 4 year-olds to be taught how to masturbate?
  • Why are children in schools being shown graphic images of sex and told anything goes so long as consent is established, if not to encourage our sons and daughters to become sexually active? 

A sane society would try to shield impressionable children from becoming sexualized, and encourage them not to watch pornography, take puberty blockers or mutilate their genitalia, but our schools increasingly promote these behaviors.

In reality, the media, most politicians, and many education chiefs are obliterating a parent’s ability to protect their child’s innocence and identity. 

We must realize: these elites want children to have THEIR values, not YOURS. SIGN THE PLEDGE!

The results of this explicit, inappropriate sex-saturated culture and education have been startling: there have never been more children claiming to be transgender, gay, lesbian and bisexual, nor have we ever seen such high levels of sexual assaults by minors.

Countless politicians, media personalities and education chiefs are too busy promoting woke trends to realize that sexualizing minors amounts to grooming, and has devastating consequences in many cases.

Children whose inhibitions are broken down risk addiction to pornography, teenage pregnancy, STDs, gender dysphoria, online shaming, and a whole host of other negative outcomes. 

Parents, not the government, must be in control of what their child is taught about sex.

Just listen to the type of materials public schools in the U.S. are promoting: 

That’s why we are asking you to sign the Parents’ Pledge that you will pull your children out of sex-education classes if your school chooses to sexualize your child.

The Parents’ Pledge is our best chance of winning back our children’s schools before they’re entirely lost to radical sex-obsessed teachers’ unions who are foisting these curricula on teachers.

Do you really want other adults deciding what your child is exposed to? Of course not.

Please share this brand new grassroots Parents’ Pledge with like-minded parents and join a growing movement of mothers and fathers who are wise to the threat of their child being led into sexual activity.


Most teachers are disturbed by their unions’ push to sexualize children

Planned Parenthood tells middle-schoolers about avoiding parental consent for abortion and contraception

The corrupting influence of sex-education is causing widespread abuse among school children 

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After the concession by the College’s own counsel, Jeethan recused himself from the tribunal, albeit with great reluctance. He will no longer be a judge for this hearing!

This is a small victory, but one worth celebrating nonetheless.

One can reasonably expect that Jeethan’s removal will lessen the overall hostility of the panel towards  Del Grande’s Christian beliefs about transgender ideology.

This is also a symbolic victory.

Canadians never get to see obviously partisan LGBT activists, who have a clear conflict of interest and bias against Christians, recuse themselves from situations in which they have tremendous power to impair the ability of Christians to continue living their faith as they choose.

These types of LGBT activists have grown accustomed to bullying Christians as they please, and getting away with it. So this recusal is quite a rare occurrence indeed. I’m tempted to say it’s worth every penny of Del Grande’s legal expenses!

Please pray for Mike’s legal counsel to succeed in persuading the remaining panel judges:

  1. that Del Grande was within his rights to defend Catholic teaching,
  2. that the College has no jurisdiction to regulate the free speech rights of democratically-elected school board trustees, and
  3. that he’s found not guilty of teacher misconduct, especially given that he was in a school board meeting, not teaching in a classroom.

Would you also consider donating towards Mike’s legal defense fund by clicking here?

Mike is sacrificing his time, reputation and even his health, to stand up for Christian moral teaching when it would be much easier to bend the knee, apologize to the LGBT mob, and get them off his back.

But Mike knows that bending the knee to these gay supremacists will only embolden them to go after others who dare to defend Christian moral teaching from assault by secular humanist ideologies.

He’s doing this also to save our children from indoctrination in the classroom with Gender Ideology. Please make a donation to his legal defense fund now.

Reprinted with permission from Campaign Life Coalition.

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