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When critics claim that Christians in America today do not suffer persecution or oppression, they are actively denying the reality of living in modern-day America.
This is not a new occurrence, either. The aggressive left has been attacking one Christian baker since 2012. That is over a decade of legal and court battles all because Jack Phillips stands firm in his Christian faith.
But the left has shown one thing, that in the name of tolerance they are in fact spreading intolerance.
The disease known as “woke cancel culture” reared its ugly head yet again, this time in Virginia when a Christian group had their restaurant reservations revoked mere hours before their event.
Their crime? Being pro-life, believing in the design God created for marriage between one man and one woman.
The Family Foundation was told on the day of their reservation that the restaurant, Metzger Bar and Butchery, would not be honored.
The restaurant, co-owned by celebrity chef Brittanny Anderson who is known for her shows “Top Chef” and “Chopped,” released a statement saying they did not want their employees to feel “uncomfortable” or “unsafe.”
If every restaurant in the world refused customers because some of the waitstaff were “uncomfortable” serving them, there would not be any open restaurants in the world.
The restaurant did not elaborate on just how the waitstaff would be “unsafe” serving the group. The truth behind the matter was that bigotry led to the decision, the same ugliness that spawned separate water fountains and bathrooms in previous decades.
But Christians who read their Bibles know this type of hatred not only exists, but is specifically targeted toward them.
Jesus shared to His disciples that before the world hated them, it hated Him first (John 15:18-19), and this type of encounter is only going to become more prevalent and violent.
The proof is already in America, as pro-life pregnancy centers are firebombed, Christian businesses are sued time after time and the gospel message is purposefully distorted to suit society’s standards instead of society living up to God’s standard.
Refusal of service for Christians won’t end with restaurants. There are already conservative and Christian groups dealing with cancellation from Big Tech companies like YouTube and Facebook, while banks like Chase have closed conservative bank accounts without giving any reason why.
But Christians can fight back against this hateful conduct. Jesus declared that the love of God changes lives and Paul exhorted believers to put on the full armor of God to fight the real enemy in the spiritual realm.
Even as the left decries the power of prayer in a situation such as a mass shooting, this is a trick of the enemy to deceive people about just how powerful prayers are!
The love of God has the power to overcome the hatred the world is displaying in this day and age, and it is up to Christians worldwide to show that love to the world.
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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.
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