
Christian Web Designer in SCOTUS Case Threatened – Intercessors for America

Web designer Lorie Smith has faced threats against her life and against the safety of her family, merely for her Christian beliefs. Let’s lift her up in prayer.

From Fox News. 303 Creative LLC owner Lorie Smith could find victory in the Supreme Court regarding her freedom of speech, but the private battle doesn’t end there — in fact, she said it’s been ongoing for six years.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.

Between threats of harm and having her website repeatedly hacked, Smith told Fox News Digital, life at times has left her “terrified” since filing her initial complaint in 2016. She refuses to create websites for same-sex weddings, which is what’s put her business at odds with the state of Colorado.

“I’ve had my home address put on social media, I have received many threats — death threats, threats of bodily harm,” she said. “The security system on my home, my child’s school has been on alert. I’ve lost business, my clients have been harassed and my website … people attempt to hack into it, almost regularly by the hour. I’m not sure what will come after Monday, but if history is any foreshadowing of what’s to come, it’s possible some of those things could continue if not amplify.”

At the core of Smith’s case, 303 Creative vs. Elenis, is a First Amendment matter asking whether Colorado can force a businessperson to express something they don’t believe. It deals with issues of discrimination against the LGBTQ community and on what grounds someone can be denied service. …

Oral arguments began Monday, and with a conservative majority, some project the Court will side with Smith.

“Given that Ms. Smith lost her case in the lower courts and that the Supreme Court agreed to hear this case, there seems to be pretty strong evidence that the Supreme Court intends to rule in favor of Ms. Smith and further strengthen those aspects of the First Amendment protecting Americans against coerced speech mandated by government,” said Mark Smith, constitutional attorney and professor of law at the Ave Maria School of Law. …

Has it been worth the stress, threats and fear to resolve this free speech issue for Smith? She says so.

“It protects not just me — it protects those who have different views on marriage, who perhaps oppose my view on marriage,” she said. …

How are you praying for Smith and her family? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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