
WATCH: LifeSite President Steve Jalsevac reflects on Christmas joy – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – Today’s LifeSite’s Gift of Gratitude is truly special for everyone who supports large pro-life families in a world filled with so much death and despair — an uplifting Christmas video reflection featuring LifeSite co-founder and president, Steve Jalsevac.

Watch as Steve shares his enthusiasm, passion, and joy for Christmas and the pro-life movement with all of you… and watch as Steve — a father of eight children — recounts the profound moment when his first child was born.

You will NOT want to miss Steve’s “mind-blowing” reaction!

LifeSite is a worldwide family that shares memories, milestones, and unforgettable moments cherished by our closest loved ones.

I want to thank you for being a blessing to me, to Steve, and to our entire LifeSite team. You are deeply cherished by the entire LifeSite family, which is why we are sharing with you today’s special reflection — directly from Steve’s heart — and so many more reflections throughout our 25 Day Countdown to Christmas.

After watching Steve’s Gift of Gratitude, allow that inspiration to sink in. Share your own Gift of Gratitude to LifeSiteNews, participating even more fully in our 25 Day Countdown to Christmas:

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