
Country Singer Bank Free from Cancel Culture – Intercessors for America

I Prayed

have prayed

Father, thank You for giving patriots and Christians creative ideas for pushing back against the evils of our day! We lift up Old Glory Bank to You, God. Bless Rich, Elder, and Dr. Carson as they develop this project.

These days, our bank accounts are being weaponized and used against us. Country singer John Rich has a potential solution.

From Just the News. Country music singer John Rich on Wednesday announces the creation of a new bank for Americans who support freedom of speech and have concerns about their existing bankers punishing them – and their accounts – for publicly backing issues that their banks don’t support.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.

The bank is called Old Glory Bank and its being led by Rich, conservative commentator Larry Elder, and Dr. Ben Carson, former 2016 presidential candidate.

“People are getting their credit cards turned off if they go to the wrong protest or if they make the wrong social media posts,” Rich said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. …

“They’ve weaponized our bank accounts basically, at this point,” said Rich. “There’s a whole group of real patriotic Americans who just believe in freedom of speech, and they wanted to create a new platform for regular Americans to be able to do their business.”

Rich did not say when the bank would launch, but he said that people can go to the website and reserve an account.

What do you think of Old Glory Bank? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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