
Democrat Senator Declares Herself an Independent – Intercessors for America

This is a MAJOR update. As Sen. Sinema steps into this new chapter of her life, let’s pray that God would make her a righteous leader.

From The Center Square. U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona says she’s left the Democratic Party and will be unaffiliated with either major political party.

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Arizonans woke up to the news from an overnight Twitter post that began with her hailing how great it is to wake up in the state. It was a companion piece to an exclusive op-ed penned for the Arizona Republic newspaper.

She vowed the change doesn’t reflect a move in her politics or beliefs, saying in the short clip it is “a reflection of who I’ve always been.”

The immediate implications weren’t entirely clear for a Senate that appeared to be 51-49 Democrats following the Georgia runoff election three days earlier, won by incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock. The op-ed and the tweets did not indicate with which party she would caucus. …

Sinema wrote in three tweets, “In a natural extension of my service since I was first elected to Congress, I have joined the growing numbers of Arizonans who reject party politics by declaring my independence from the broken partisan system in Washington and formally registering as an Arizona Independent. …

“Becoming an Independent won’t change my work in the Senate; my service to Arizona remains the same. Read my full Op-ed in the Arizona Republic.”

In the newspaper op-ed, Sinema writes, “In catering to the fringes, neither party has demonstrated much tolerance for diversity of thought. Bipartisan compromise is seen as a rarely acceptable last resort, rather than the best way to achieve lasting progress. Payback against the opposition party has replaced thoughtful legislating.”

Sinema wrote with precision, declaring her approach “rare” and today’s politics marked with “poison.” And with that, she was clear to state, “Americans are more united than the national parties would have us believe.” …

How are you praying for Sen. Sinema? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Center Square. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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