
The need to tell the truth about Fr. Pavone, Donald Trump, and others! – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Oh my! Only a few days before Christmas and yet the news stories we have to report are exploding. What a lineup we had Wednesday, as I comment on below! Believe me, considering the season we are in, we would rather not have to spend the large amount of time and energy required to write and publish all these articles just before Christmas, some of which are very good news. But we have a commitment to you to report what you and others must be aware of. 

If you can’t read the articles now, be sure to get back to going over them when you can. They are way too important to miss.

We all have families and a pile of things to do to prepare for the big winter storm, er, ah, I mean the great feast of Christmas and, like most of you, need some breathing time to get personal things done – including preparing for the storm. Oh well, our Christmas break is coming up, and we’ll get our rest then for an entire, much-needed week. Yay!

Thanks to thousands of supporters, the campaign total has reached 74% of the minimum goal of $750,000. Yes! That is wonderful. As always, I am sure there are many thinking that the little amount they can only afford won’t make any difference in helping us meet the still large campaign shortfall. Let me assure you that is not true. You have proven that thinking to be wrong every year.

Many hundreds of thousands of people read LifeSiteNews reports and watch our videos every day. So, when just a healthy proportion of them donate perhaps $10 to $15 dollars each, or more, it ALWAYS adds up to a large final total. That’s called the power of the many. And every year, those people make a tremendous difference to the success of our campaigns. No matter how small or large your donation is – we will definitely appreciate it big time!

On the other hand, there is a smaller number of those who are fortunate enough to be able to contribute a larger amount, and their last-minute donations wonderfully help to make up for all those who can’t donate anything, or make up for the shortfall that we might still have from the many who donate the smaller amounts. All have their crucial role in keeping this news mission going. We need and love you all.

To make that small or large donation for the sake of life, family, faith, truth and freedom, click here

Archbishop Vigano’s short, but powerful statement Tuesday righty castigating “the gala event hosted by President Donald J. Trump for openly homosexual supporters of the Republican Party” is an incredibly providential follow-up to Doug Mainwaring’s article. That is the one I addressed yesterday about the growing influence of the LGBT movement on the Republican Party and the conservative movement.

Most conservatives just don’t yet understand the great danger to society of the LGBT movement. There is way too much sentimentality about it and ignoring of hard realities. Out of love for the sexually confused and the conservative movement, the archbishop obviously saw that he had to shake the morally sleeping political class awake with some God thunder.

Doug Mainwaring has yet another article in his series for you Wednesday – this one on Kari Lake’s shocking speech during which she embarrassingly gushed over homosexuals in conservative politics at the Mar-a-Lago gala. Incredibly disappointing. How can such a smart, competent woman be so incompetent in understanding the natural negative consequences for violating human nature and the purpose for which men and women were made the way that they are. It seems Kari, whom we admire in many ways, is a victim of LGBT mass formation. Sad. But let’s try to wake her up instead of condemning her. She is worth that effort.

One more from Tuesday that needs mention is that the governors of half of all U.S. states called on the Biden administration Monday to finally revoke the ongoing, three years’ long Covid state of emergency that was NEVER needed. This is a hugely positive development! They have somehow finally found their courage and responsibility to the people. That fake state of emergency has given elected officials and government and health bureaucrats tyrannical powers they never dreamed they could have.

Also on COVID, Frank Wright penned a column on the dehumanization of COVID jab skeptics that reveals the decline of Western liberalism. It has generated legitimization of hatred for people who refuse to conform to nonsense.

We also report on actor Tim Robbins who has publicly shared that while he used to get angry at people who didn’t follow COVID protocols, he now looks back on the attitude toward the unvaccinated as ‘incredibly dangerous.’ There is a serious need for millions more to also apologize for similar, unjust, very hurtful behavior towards those who managed to not fall for the propaganda and did not obey the mandates that had no medical or scientific justification.

There is more on Fr. Pavone. There have been a few respected Catholic conservative personalities who have expressed strong agreement with the Vatican’s incredibly harsh action against Fr. Pavone. We have not quoted them because, like the Vatican letter, there is nothing in the mentioned charges that could possibly justify the Vatican action. If we are presented with solid evidence of serious wrongdoing by Father Pavone we will publish it. But we have not yet seen that.

Taylor Marshall interviewed Fr Pavone yesterday, during which the world’s leading pro-life priest responded in detail to the criticisms that these conservative Catholics and others have made against him. It is one of the best interviews yet on this issue. It reveals a lot that the critics are either ignorant of or just don’t believe. We can’t see any reason to not believe Fr. Pavone’s responses. They make a lot of sense to us, especially considering all that we have seen, heard, experienced and reported about the Catholic Church’s decline during the past 25 years of LifeSite’s existence.

The amazing, tough, faithful Sr. Dede Byrne has declared that Fr. Pavone’s laicization is a ‘travesty’.

Then we report on the 50 Italian priests who have just declared their homosexuality in a scandalous open letter. How much do you want to be that not one of them will be removed from the priesthood and instead will be given important jobs in the Vatican or their dioceses?

That’s enough for today. There is a lot more.Please remember our financial need right now and make your donation no matter how small or large by clicking on

Every single one is considered a precious gift to us. Also, please pray for the success of this campaign. We greatly value those prayers from our supporters. We take those prayers seriously.

For life, family and truth,

Steve Jalsevac

President of

Steve is the co-founder and managing director of 

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