
Anne Ministries’ Christmas Story | Chastity Ogburn : Blue Ridge Christian News

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Anne Ministries’ Christmas Story

By Chastity Ogburn

Avery CountyChastity Ogburn Anne Ministries Avery County

On December 22, it will be 12 years since the day we found out our precious Lexie Anne had gone to be with the Lord. I was so devastated and crushed the morning we found out she had no heartbeat. My husband and I had gone to Boone that morning for a regular prenatal doctor’s visit. I was almost 20 weeks pregnant. It was close to Christmas with lots of excitement and we had family coming to visit. I had no idea anything was wrong. The doctor went to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. I knew something was strange when she seemed to be struggling to find it. There were no sounds. I became concerned but thought maybe our baby was just not in the right position. This had never happened before with our other children. We were moved to another room where a different doctor confirmed through ultrasound that our baby had passed. There was no life and no heartbeat. Devastation and loss hit us like a ton of bricks. We went over to the hospital and I was induced that morning. I delivered our lifeless baby girl that evening. I went from a heart full of joy to a heart full of sadness and loss that morning. I cried uncontrollably. I couldn’t make sense of it all. I had delivered 4 healthy babies before this pregnancy.

Why God? A few days later after Christmas, we went to visit our family in Sanford. My mom gave me a Christmas decoration of Santa sitting in a chair holding a baby. She had bought it weeks before to give it to me for Christmas. I always place it on a table each Christmas in memory of our little girl. Psalm 147:3 says, “He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.” I had to give my broken heart to Jesus, dear friend. He is our only hope in such difficult times of hurt, pain, and loss. When there were no answers, I had to turn to God. Matthew 5:4 says, “Blessed are those who mourn: for they shall be comforted.” I found much comfort, hope, and healing resting in the arms of Jesus. I didn’t have all the answers but our sovereign God did. Several years later in 2018, God revealed to me how He wanted Lexie Anne’s life to be honored through Anne Ministries. He had a purpose and a plan for her life when He created her. God is now taking this painful day to purpose in the life of the ministry. Anne Ministries reaches out to those that are hurting from pregnancy loss such as miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. We offer one on one Bible study and group support to women and families grieving the loss of their babies. When I look at this Christmas decoration I think about my sweet Lexie Anne being held in the arms of Jesus. She is in His presence and she always has been from the moment the Lord took her home and one day… Yes, one glorious day, I have the hope and promise I will see her in our heavenly home! Thank you, Jesus!


In 2018, the Lord put on my heart the calling to reach out to those hurting from loss. Anne Ministries began in September of 2018. Anne means “grace” and that is what this ministry is about, extending God’s grace and allowing Him to heal your deepest hurt. This ministry reaches out to those hurting from abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. The ministry expanded in 2021 offering pregnancy support services to those facing an unplanned pregnancy. Chastity and her family attend Emmanuel Baptist Church in Newland, NC. You can purchase her book, His Grace Covers All, on Amazon HERE.

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