
10 Better Ways to Change Your Life Than Resolutions

It’s getting to be that time of year where everyone suddenly decides their life for the next 12 months needs to change completely. People make resolutions that they just know will be the key to their life being better. Grand plans are made, things are purchased, and for about one month (or for some of us, one week), we stick to it. But then life happens.

You know, life. The obligations, responsibilities, crises, family, friends, events, etc. All of these combine to create a daily or weekly moment where you tell yourself that you’ll go to the gym later—right now you’re tired and need to relax. But how do you change your life if you’re “too busy” and your resolutions are too lofty?

You just do it, that’s how. Just start, and see what happens.

Here are 10 things you can just do, instead of resolve to do.

Photo courtesy: ©Unsplash

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