
Erin O’Toole is right to want fewer ‘**** Trudeau’ flags, but he doesn’t understand the root cause – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – Canada’s least likable conservative MP, former party leader and failed Prime Minister candidate Erin O’Toole, wrote a year-end blog post expressing his New Year’s wish that the “F” Trudeau flags would become a thing of the past.

Personally, I find O’Toole about as inspiring as the man who hands you food samples at Costco – actually, I usually like that guy better if he is handing out pizza – but I must admit that I agree with O’Toole … well, sort of.

Of course, O’Toole started with a half-decent idea – in this case cutting down on public profanity – but supported his idea with liberal-leaning logic that once again showed why Canadians were more than happy for him to be ousted from the leadership position so that an actual conservative could take his place.

In his post, he went on to blame growing polarization in Canada on America … because apparently when Canadians act badly it isn’t there fault, somehow. And, he said that the flags were an example of “extreme right” thinking. No, Mr. O’Toole, the flags are not an example of extremism, but rather mere flags that people wave because they have potty mouths and hate Trudeau.

By his logic, the way that NHL players chirp each other would be considered “extreme” in the political sense.

Distasteful but understandable

That said, we cannot endorse the flags, as they can seriously offend people, especially small children who should not be subjected to such language. We ought to be more careful with our choice of words, especially in public, and the flags are clearly distasteful from a linguistic perspective.

However, they are understandable, which is to say that the sentiment behind the flags is easy enough to understand.  Thankfully, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre understands this, and spoke about the flags intelligently during a question period.

Asked about the proliferation of the flags, Poilievre was right to point out that they are distasteful, but he was also correct to switch gears and explain to the viewers that Canadians have every right to be mad, perhaps more than at any other time in history.

Poilievre rightly pointed out that the Canadian economy is in free-fall, largely due to housing prices being at an insane all-time high, especially in major cities.

He rightly pointed out that opioid addictions are skyrocketing and that Canadians are seeking out assisted suicide, even at food banks.

Dark times are these for many Canadians, and we can rightly say that Trudeau and his ridiculous policies are largely to blame. His political philosophy of lie, cheat and spend, spend, spend has resulted in a dysfunctional nation, and an unhealthy one both physically and mentally at that.

No country for sick children

One thing that Poilievre didn’t mention is the fact that children are suffering greatly under Trudeau as the immune deficit brought on my endless lockdowns has destroyed their ability to withstand seasonal illnesses like they ought to be able to.

It has been the case for some time that Canada has been a nation without pain or cold and flu medication for children, which of course Trudeau tried to blame on climate change. No, I am not kidding, he really did that.

Well, not only has Canada – a first world nation in 2023 – been without basic over the counter medicine for children for months, it is also the case now that hospitals are without antibiotics for kids.

Let’s put that all together

Trudeau was the de facto Fuhrer of the Lockdown World Order in a historically wealthy and prosperous nation, and in a few short years has encouraged and enacted policies that have contributed to the degrading health of children, while at the same time he has overseen a shortage of medicine for the children his policies ensured would get dangerously sick.

The other day a friend of mine took his precious baby to the emergency room, and it turned out the poor thing had pneumonia. Well, just like in Venezuela, they were sent home with adult antibiotics that they were told to crush up and mix with something sweet in the hope that they could get the 8-month-old to take the makeshift medication.

Think about that for a second. In 2023, in a nation that has been historically the most desirable nation on earth for quality of life, you have to mix drugs together like a kid stealing his mom’s opioids for a party, in order to somehow get your infant to take lifesaving medication because the politicians have enacted policies that have made kids more unhealthy than any time in national history.

Now, if it was incompetence, that would be one thing, but Trudeau has rejected calls for Canada to figure out a way to make more medication for children. He said it wasn’t the “best way” to spend money.

In typical liberal fashion, he entertained the adoring public with a comparison for the ages.

“If we had a big orange shortage in Canada, people might be shouting, ‘OK, we need to make them more greenhouses so we can grow more oranges in Canada,”’ the prime minister said.

Ah, yes, that old family remedy of curing pneumonia and comforting children screaming in pain from insane fevers with oranges.

Come to think of it, at this rate we might actually need to figure out a way to get more oranges in Canada, as it looks like Trudeau is looking to revive the old Canadian custom of scurvy.

Stock up on Vitamin C before the liberals find a way to get rid of that too.

Kennedy Hall is an Ontario based journalist for LifeSiteNews. He is married with children and has a deep love for literature and political philosophy. He is the author of Terror of Demons: Reclaiming Traditional Catholic Masculinity, a non-fiction released by TAN books, and Lockdown with the Devil, a fiction released by Our Lady of Victory Press. He writes frequently for Crisis Magazine, Catholic Family News, and is on the editorial board at OnePeterFive.

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