
James Robison Offers a Challenge: What If We, The Church, Let God Use Us? – The Stream

By James Robison

Published on January 3, 2023

Stream publisher James Robison offers a message and a challenge to kick off the new year.

I’m praying that you will have the greatest new year. The greatest next year in the history of your life. What I’m praying for is the greatest year in human history. I think it’s possible.

Now, you say, “How could it be possible when things are going to get worse?”

I’m so tired of hearing what the antichrist is going to do. What the enemy of God is going to do. What the darkness and deception is going to do and accomplish. Why don’t we talk about what the truth can accomplish? Why don’t we talk about what the family of God can do when they yield their lives to the Father?

What if the body of Christ would yield ourselves in supernatural unity, that Jesus prayed for in John 17, and we became that force where people knew we were his disciples? Knew that we knew him in personal relationship and we love not only God but we love our neighbor. But we not only love our neighbor, we love one another in the family.

Watch the video above to hear James’ full message.

James Robison is The Stream’s Founder and Publisher. He is Founder of LIFE Outreach International and co-host of LIFE Today. He’s the author of many books, including Indivisible (with Jay Richards) and Living Amazed.

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