
Christians to Make Up the Majority of Congress – Intercessors for America

Having this many Christians at the helm of our nation is encouraging. Let’s pray that they lead our nation back to the Lord!

From Faithwire. Christians will make up an overwhelming majority of those serving in the House and Senate during the 118th Congress, according to new analysis from The Pew Research Center.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.

In a report titled “Faith on the Hill,” the polling organization explores 534 of the 535 members’ religious affiliations, finding 88% of Congress in the 2023-2024 session self-identifies with some form of Christianity. …

These religious demographics are noteworthy, considering just 63% of Americans call themselves Christian. …

“There are 303 Protestants in the new Congress, an increase of six from the previous Congress and the first time in four sessions (since 2015-2016) that the number has topped 300,” Pew noted in its report. “The new Congress has 148 Catholics, 10 fewer than the 117th.”

Despite the decrease, Catholics still comprise about 28% of Congress, outpacing the 21% of Americans who identify as Catholic. …

Just 65 members of Congress are not Christian. Among those cohorts, 33 are Jewish, accounting for 6% of Congress and outpacing the 3% of Americans who call themselves Jewish. …

An additional 20 members of Congress have “unknown religious affiliations,” according to Pew. …

Are you encouraged by this analysis? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Excerpt from Faithwire. Photo Credit: Canva)

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