
Former Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth Warns of Assault on Christianity Under King Charles

(Photo : Pexels/Dominika Gregušová)

The former chaplain to Queen Elizabeth II has voiced concerns about King Charles III’s support for multifaith and multiculturalism, suggesting that these ideologies could threaten the stability and continuity of the British monarchy. The chaplain believes Christianity is under attack and calls on Christians to unite and defend their faith.

Gavin Ashenden, the former chaplain to Queen Elizabeth II, has expressed concern about the direction the monarchy is heading under King Charles III. In an interview with GB News following the king’s first Christmas speech, Ashenden warned that the monarchy could be in danger if it continues to move towards multifaith and multiculturalism. He believes that these ideologies could lead the monarchy to lose its authenticity and identity.

King Charles Accused of Allowing Attacks on Christianity to Go Unchecked

King Charles III assumed the throne after the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8th. Gavin Ashenden, the former chaplain to the late queen, has expressed concern about the monarchy’s future under Charles’ leadership. In an article in CBN News, Ashenden likened the situation to a ship that has been “hulled beneath the waterline slowly sink[ing].”

He believes that the monarchy will not be able to survive if it becomes multifaith and multicultural, as this would represent a departure from its Christian roots and the oath that each British monarch must publicly give to defend the Protestant Reformed Religion. Ashenden stated that the monarchy has been slowly shifting from being a Christian monarchy towards a multifaith one and argued that one must either be a defender of the faith or not.

As part of his coronation in May, King Charles III will be required to take an oath in which he will be asked by the archbishop of the Church of England to pledge to maintain the Protestant Reformed Religion and the Church of England’s doctrine, worship, discipline, and government. The oath also includes a promise to preserve the rights and privileges of the bishops and clergy of England. Queen Elizabeth II made similar promises at her coronation in 1953. These pledges are important for upholding the Christian traditions of the monarchy and the Church of England.

Also Read: Parishioners, Churches in England Mourn Over Death of Queen Elizabeth II

The Power of The King

King Charles III, as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, has the authority to appoint archbishops, bishops, and cathedrals deans with the Prime Minister’s advising, according to The Church of England.

Ashenden believes that the king, as the Defender of the Faith, has to defend Christianity and its values rather than taking a more inclusive approach by claiming to be the Defender of All Faiths. Ashenden cited the arrest of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce for praying on a public street near an abortion facility in the UK as an example of the conflict of values that are currently taking place. He believes that the monarchy must take a realistic approach to defend Christian beliefs in order to prevent Christianity from being pushed out of the public sphere.

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