
Pastor John MacArthur Recovering from Sudden Illness

(Screenshot Grace To You YouTube Channel)

Read time: 1 minute 49 seconds

Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California recently posted an update on their lead pastor.

John MacArthur, Pastor of Grace Community, was unable to preach his second service due to a sudden illness.

The church posted on its website saying, “Many of you are praying for Pastor John’s health due to his absence from the pulpit during the second service. We are pleased to report that he is doing well. He saw a doctor on Sunday afternoon and he is in good health, and just needs rest from a busy holiday week.

“Thank you for your continued prayers for Pastor John.”

Busy is an understatement for Pastor MacArthur.

Living in a state that many consider worse than a modern-day Sodom or Gomorrah, MacArthur has routinely stood his ground against the forces that seek to shut down churches or use the Word of God to justify abortion.

In Sept. 2022, MacArthur penned an open letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsome. It called out his callous and blasphemous use of Scriptures on billboards defending abortion.

“You further compounded the wickedness of that murderous campaign with a reprehensible act of gross blasphemy, quoting the very words of Jesus from Mark 12:31 as if you could somehow twist His meaning and arrogate His name in favor of butchering unborn infants,” MacArthur wrote.

“Furthermore, you chose words from the lips of Jesus without admitting that in the same moment He gave the greatest commandment: ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ You cannot love God as He commands while aiding in the murder of His image-bearers,” the pastor continued.

Compound this with going up against the state and county governments in court, and winning, over their unconstitutional mandates during the pandemic, and people can see just how busy this 83-year-old pastor of a megachurch is.

As Pastor MacArthur continues his recovery from this illness, may Christians lift him up in prayer for a speedy recovery and supernatural healing so that he can comeback rested and healthy.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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