
Lance Wallnau Warns American Church: It Is Failing in its Witness

(Screenshot The Lance Wallnau Show Rumble)

Read time: 3 minutes 12 seconds

Social morality has been in a tailspin for decades in America, and it should be obvious to any Christian who has ears hearing from the Holy Spirit.

On his show livestreamed on Rumble and Facebook, Lance Wallnau discussed that it is not a political force or “red wave” that is going to fundamentally change America, but an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

And when it comes to bringing about revival, repentance and a Christlike witness to sinners, the church in America has not been successful in that task.

“I think the Spirit of God is saying America has been weighed in the balance and found wanting,” Wallnau declared on his live show.

“Its rulers have conspired together in both parties, Republican and Democrat, under the premise that you, the masses of people, are too stupid and ignorant to govern yourselves and therefore you must be herded like cattle and shepherded by these bad shepherds because they know better than you,” he explained.

Wallnau is referencing the ever-increasing globalization that is taking place across the earth. Unelected members of non-government organizations are dictating to world leaders how to move forward with civilization.

These commands have led to government leaders restricting freedoms in the name of security, peace, inclusion, equity and diversity. They look to replace God as the source of provision for humanity, and Wallnau compares America today to Jeremiah and his warnings to Israel.

These were not happy words that Jeremiah prophesied to the people, but words of warning about Nebuchadnezzar coming in and destroying Israel unless they turned away from their decaying society. America is on that same path of destruction.

“I look at Jeremiah,” Wallnau said. “Jeremiah was not popular in Jerusalem because he kept telling them, he told the political [leaders] ‘You better reform or Nebuchadnezzar’s going to come and take out your nation and take you from your throne.’ And they didn’t reform themselves, and so what happened? Nebuchadnezzar came and took over.”

Alluding to the prophet Jonah and the words he spoke from the Lord to Nineveh, Wallnau believes that America’s sins are so egregious (abortion, same-sex marriage, witchcraft, etc….) that it will suffer the same fate as Israel unless it heeds these warnings from God and repent the way Nineveh did.

“I think everybody needs to lay down their weapon right now and realize God’s holding us accountable for the condition of America,” Wallnau claimed. “It’s failing on our watch. I don’t expect the unsaved to know what they’re doing.”

And who could counter his words? The church in America is currently watching the split of the largest denomination in the United Methodist Church over doctrine, it sees a president who claims to be a devout Catholic light up the White House in rainbow colors honoring same-sex marriage, and churches of all denominations accepting radical new genders that contradict God’s design of human beings, among many other issues plaguing the church in America today.

Wallnau addresses what kind of witness these phenomena represent to those who don’t know Christ. To them, they don’t know the difference between a charismatic, a Methodist or an Episcopalian. They need Christians of all backgrounds to imitate Jesus if they have any hope of seeing what living a Christlike life is all about.

“We have not done a good job of witnessing to America,” Wallnau explained. “We need to warn it. That its Drag Queen hour in the White House is going to come at a price… Continue going in a direction that mocks God’s laws and claws at the very membrane of family structure and civil discourse and conversation, continue to mock faith and watch where that gets you.

“The blessing that God gave you can be taken from you that fast.”

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma media.

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