
Latest Twitter files reveal Pfizer chair forced Twitter to censor facts about COVID shots – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In the latest installment of the so-called “Twitter Files,” journalist and author Alex Berenson revealed that Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb successfully pressed Twitter to censor correct information about the mRNA vaccines.

Gottlieb, who was the commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 2017 to 2019 before joining the Pfizer board, complained to Twitter about a tweet from Dr. Brett Giroir, who also briefly served as the head of the FDA in 2019.

On August 27, 2021, Giroir wrote that “natural immunity is superior to #vaccine immunity, by ALOT,” and that therefore “[t]here’s no science justification for #vax proof if a person had prior infection.”

Even though Giroir called for people with “no previous infection” to get the COVID injections, Gottlieb was not happy with the tweet, since it “could raise questions about the shots,” Berenson stated in his Substack article.

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According to screenshots provided by Berenson, Gottlieb emailed Todd O’Boyle, “a top lobbyist in Twitter’s Washington office who was also Twitter’s point of contact with the White House.”

Gottlieb wrote that Giroir’s tweet was “corrosive” and worried that it could “end up going viral and driving news coverage.”

Berenson explained that O’Boyle sent Gottlieb’s email to Twitter’s “Strategic Response” team, “responsible for handling concerns from the company’s most important employees and users.”

Even though, according to Berenson, a Strategic Response analyst concluded that the tweet did not represent a violation of the platform’s rules on “misinformation,” Twitter ended up censoring the post anyway.

The post was (and still is) flagged as “misleading,” meaning that it cannot be replied to, shared, or liked.

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Berenson detailed how Gottlieb, a week later, urged Twitter again to flag a tweet he did not like. This time, it was a tweet by Justin Hart, who wrote that “[s]ticks and stones may break my bones but a viral pathogen with a child mortality rate of ~0% has cost our children nearly three years of schooling.”

“This time, though, Gottlieb’s complaint was so far afield that Twitter refused to act,” Berenson wrote.

Furthermore, Berenson revealed in an earlier article that Gottlieb also pressed Twitter to censor Berenson himself for his critical reporting on Dr. Anthony Fauci and that the Pfizer chair likely played a role in Twitter’s decision to suspend his account in late August 2021.

Gottlieb, in addition to being a board member of Pfizer, is also the chair of the company’s regulatory and compliance committee and received a salary of $365,000 from Pfizer in 2021. He is also a contributor to the cable business news channel CNBC.

Berenson pointed out Pfizer’s “long history of violating drug industry laws and ethics rules,” citing the fact that they agreed to pay $2.3 billion for fraudulent drug marketing in 2009, “the largest health care fraud settlement in American history.”

READ: FDA researchers admit Pfizer COVID jab may cause lung blood clots in elderly

“So how will Pfizer react to the black-and-white proof from Twitter’s records that one of its most powerful board members secretly tried to suppress debate on the mRNA jabs that have [has] been by far its best-selling product since 2020?” Berenson asked in his Substack article.

“And will CNBC continue to let Gottlieb use it to mislead the public?”

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