
Alabama AG says ban on ‘chemical endangerment’ prohibits women from taking abortion pills – LifeSite

MONTGOMERY, Alabama (LifeSiteNews) — Alabama’s attorney general said that the state’s law against “chemical endangerment” could be used against women who obtain abortion drugs through the mail or a local pharmacy.

Attorney General Steve Marshall’s statement comes after President Joe Biden’s administration changed federal regulations to allow CVS, Walgreens, and other pharmacies to distribute chemical abortion drugs.

“The Human Life Protection Act targets abortion providers, exempting women ‘upon whom an abortion is performed or attempted to be performed’ from liability under the law,” Marshall told “It does not provide an across-the-board exemption from all criminal laws, including the chemical-endangerment law—which the Alabama Supreme Court has affirmed and reaffirmed protects unborn children.”

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PRO-LIFE BOYCOTT: Demand CVS and Walgreens STOP Selling Abortion Pills!
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Walgreens and CVS will begin selling mifepristone — a powerful chemical that kills unborn children in the womb — if pro-life America does not ACT NOW. 

Pro-life Americans MUST STOP the widespread sale and distribution of mifepristone by sending a message that only big-box stores will understand: A NATIONAL BOYCOTT OF WALGREENS AND CVS. 

Walgreens and CVS are the newest back-door channels for the pro-abortion movement, now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade. 

Will you act now to STOP abortion drugs from reaching your pharmacy? 

Our work in the pro-life movement is FAR from over, especially now that Walgreens and CVS have chosen to push deadly drugs in their stores and in our communities! 

SIGN and SEND a message to Walgreens and CVS! This is completely unacceptable! 

We must stop abortion from reaching our pharmacies and stop the abortion industry from poisoning our communities — before it’s too late. 

These big-box stores respond only to profit. The pro-life movement must enact a national boycott if the abortion industry dares flood our neighborhoods! 

SIGN and SEND a strong message to Walgreens and CVS: unless they immediately reverse course, the entire pro-life movement will BOYCOTT their stores! 

SIGN NOW and send a clear message! 


CVS & Walgreens announce plans to dispense abortion pills after Biden FDA loosens restrictions

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The 2006 chemical endangerment law began as a way to punish people who expose children to toxic fumes from meth labs, but has been used against women who intentionally took drugs to kill their babies, according to

The law states:

A person commits the crime of chemical endangerment of exposing a child to an environment in which controlled substances are produced or distributed if he/she is a responsible person and knowingly, recklessly, or intentionally causes or permits a child to be exposed to, to ingest or inhale, or to have contact with a controlled substance, chemical substance, or drug paraphernalia.

“District attorneys soon began applying the law to protect the fetuses of women who used various drugs during pregnancy. Justices on the Alabama Supreme Court upheld and affirmed prosecutions of pregnant people in 2013 and 2014,” reported.

Marshall noted that abortion is illegal in Alabama. “Promoting the remote prescription and administration of abortion pills endangers both women and unborn children,” Marshall told “Elective abortion—including abortion pills—is illegal in Alabama. Nothing about the Justice Department’s guidance changes that. Anyone who remotely prescribes abortion pills in Alabama does so at their own peril: I will vigorously enforce Alabama law to protect unborn life.”

Students for Life Action (SFL Action) has previously criticized the nationwide push by the Biden administration to make RU-486 drugs widely available.

“Making Chemical Abortion Pills accessible at your local pharmacy is certainly not the product of the ‘safe, legal, and rare’ lie we were fed as we fought for the reversal of Roe,” SFL Action President Kristan Hawkins stated. “The objective of this Administration has always been increased access to dangerous drugs.”

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