
Vatican exclusive: Fr. Frank Pavone reacts to 45,000+ LifeSite signatures supporting his priesthood

Pope Francis shocked the pro-life world when he suddenly laicized hero priest, Fr. Frank Pavone. LifeSiteNews immediately sounded the alarm and launched a LifePetition in Fr. Pavone’s defense, gathering 45,000+ signatures and demanding that the Vatican rescind its decision and re-instate Pavone’s priesthood.

While Pope Francis has not hesitated to praise pro-abortion politicians, support pro-LGBT clerics, and even exonerate a guilty and convicted sex abuser of nuns, Fr. Marko Rupnik, Pope Francis has shown no such tolerance or “accompaniment” for Fr. Pavone, who has devoted his life and his priesthood to fighting the Culture of Death. Will Pope Francis, now alone at the helm of the Catholic Church, listen to the ardent prayers and pleas of the faithful? Or will their worst fears be realized—and his agenda quickly take another radical turn for the worst?

Watch John-Henry interview Fr. Pavone in front of the Vatican, just moments before Fr. Pavone’s LifePetition was hand-delivered to Vatican officials. LifeSite will continue advocating for your voice to the highest levels of power at the Vatican and beyond.


LSNTVJanuary 11, 2023


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