
How to Lay Aside the Weight of Lust

Lust is a killer—and a serial killer at that. Men and women have fallen into the sinful grip of lust since the beginning of time. We first see lust come on the scene in Genesis 3:6. When Eve sets her gaze upon the tree that God had forbade her and Adam to touch, she lusted after it. The Hebrew verb originally used to describe what Eve thought about the tree is ḥâmaḏ, which means to desire lustfully. Eve desired and lusted after wisdom. At least that’s what she thought. In reality, she desired what we all desire when giving in to the temptation of lust. She desired to be like God. 

When we fuel the fires of fleshly passions by giving in to lust, we are telling God that we know better than He does. We are telling our creator that His plan for us to remain pure won’t quite cut it. Isn’t that the angle the serpent took when tempting Eve? “But the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.’” (Genesis 3:4)

It’s time for believers to lay aside the weightiness of lust, and fix our gaze upon Christ (Hebrews 12:1). Here are 10 methods and reasons to help you overcome your battle with lust:

Photo courtesy: ©AyoOgunseinde

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