
Pray for More Ministers – Intercessors for America

As we pray for leaders in America, we don’t forget prayer for our spiritual leaders: pastors, teachers, and those in parachurch ministry. Let’s ask God to raise up more of them, as well.

Who is praying on the wall?

Their numbers are declining among most mainline Protestant denominations. Among Catholics and Jews, the story is similar, or worse.

Older pastors are part of the “Great Resignation” cohort. And 46% of younger pastors have told surveyors that due to such factors as burnout, COVID-related congregational stresses, and low pay, they are considering quitting full-time ministry.

Even if mature pastors were in plentiful supply, we would still need young leaders “in the pipeline.”

In 2022, there were 600 fewer Christian seminary students than in the previous year — a decline of 3.2% in evangelical enrollment, and 5.9% at mainline institutions, while Catholic and Orthodox students rose by 2.6%. Missionary sending is down too.

In the words of Paul the apostle: “How shall they hear without a preacher?” And new answers to this old “how” question are emerging. Bi-vocational pastors can make ends meet by means of an extra gig, like military chaplaincy or online work with flexible hours. Perhaps ordination could be allowed for those who have training even if they lack college degrees. Mission agencies are working smarter, learning how to equip indigenous clergy. Technology can put Bible mastery, spiritual direction, prayer, and even some fellowship at the tips of our fingers. Congregations can encourage their leaders and host “career days” and similar activities to motivate young people to consider full-time ministry.

Seminaries are becoming more savvy about offering online training, jettisoning expensive brick-and-mortar campuses. Seminaries could also offer more courses in such relevant areas as spoken-language courses, to help American pastors serve immigrants, or perhaps degrees in elder care, nonprofit leadership, disaster response, hospital chaplaincy, and addiction counseling or prison work. Such courses would train Biblically literate men and women to bring their faith to jobs outside the church walls or to enhance church leadership with practical skills.

One of the things Jesus exhorted was that we should pray earnestly for God to send laborers into His harvest. Let us pray, therefore, that more people would answer the call to ministry.

How are you praying for those in ministries, and for an increase in the laborers? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

Leah Farish is an attorney and host of the Conversation Balloons podcast, at Her legal and devotional writing can be found at Photo Credit: Canva.

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