
Globalists Want to Limit Your Carbon Footprint – Intercessors for America

Ostensibly in the name of “protecting the climate,” globalists are pushing for highly invasive monitoring and even outright redistribution of individual wealth.

The Daybreak Daily. Dennis Prager: Listen to this. A German scientist said that every individual — in the Western world at least — should have a carbon dioxide limit.

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“Hans Joachim Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research said that every person should have a limit of three tons of CO2 emission per year and those who exceed their limit should be forced to pay for the pleasure.”

Now, since none of you knows how many tons of CO2 you emit, the average person emits 10. That means that you, according to this, would have to be penalized monetarily if you used one-third of the amount of energy, fossil fuel energy, that you do now. One-third. Less than one-third, actually.

“Schellnhuber said … In a carbon-credit-style scheme, those who emit over the three-ton limit by the middle of the century” — that’s 2050, 27 years from now — “would need to privately purchase credits from those who are under the limit.”

So, if you were under the limit, you would get money from people over the limit. That’s a beautiful, honest, redistribution-of-income plan. …

Breitbart news reports, ‘Alibaba is developing a digital ‘individual carbon footprint tracker’ to monitor the actions of the public.’”

I have no doubt that this will be incorporated into various countries in the not-too-distant future, an individual carbon footprint monitor.

“Alibaba’s president announced at the globalist World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland” — it’s taking place now. One of the most awful, destructive — I never used the word in the past, but I will now — demonic institutions in the world, the World Economic Forum. Proof that people do not value liberty. This is very scary what is happening with the World Economic Forum. …

What do you think of the latest globalist plan? Share this article to raise awareness of this attack on our freedoms.

(Excerpt from The Daybreak Daily. Photo Credit: Canva)

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