
Bishop Strickland slams Biden for ‘aggressively denying his Catholic faith’ with abortion advocacy – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Following a recent social media message in which U.S. President Joe Biden promoted abortion, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas responded by calling out the president for “denying his Catholic faith.”

On Sunday, just two days after tens of thousands gathered for the first post-Roe March for Life in Washington, D.C., the president posted on Twitter his support for abortion in direct opposition to the teachings of the Catholic faith that he claims to practice.

“Today should’ve been the 50th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade,” Biden tweeted. “Instead, MAGA Republican officials are waging a war on women’s right to make their own health care decisions. But this fight isn’t over.”

Bishop Strickland reacted to the president’s message by saying he is “aggressively denying his Catholic faith and denying the value of the life of an unborn child.”

“Viciously murdering innocent children is not healthcare & abortion devastates women. We must care for them both.”

This is not the first time that Bishop Strickland has spoken out against pro-abortion and self-proclaimed Catholic politicians.

In July 2022, amid a heated debate over whether these politicians would be permitted to receive Holy Communion, Strickland responded to Pope Francis’ criticism of denying pro-abortion politicians the Eucharist by stating that to do so in the case of then-U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would be the “pastoral care” she needed.

Strickland said that Pelosi should be told “she should not receive the Body of Christ until she stops advocating the murder of unborn children.”

Last month, he also called out pro-abortion Hillary Clinton for comparing the U.S. pro-life movement with rapists.


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