
Teacher Fired for Opposing LGBT Book for Kids – Intercessors for America

Substitute teacher Lindsey Barr was fired for expressing concerns over curriculum. Her response is inspiring.

From Fox News. When my husband and I first moved to Richmond Hill, Georgia, we jumped in with both feet to serve wherever was needed at Bryan County Schools, where our kids attended. …

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I loved being a volunteer mom after 10 years of teaching full-time in the school district. Then my husband and I decided the best thing for our family was for me to substitute teach, which I did beginning in January.

In August, when my two youngest were in first and third grade at McAllister Elementary School, I learned about a picture book that was going to be presented to young students, including my then 6-year-old and 8-year-old, during a library read-aloud program. The book, “All Are Welcome,” contains several illustrations of same-sex couples parenting and expecting children. So I spoke to McAllister’s principal, as a mother, expressing my concern that the book’s illustrations conflict with my faith and the values I seek to impart to my children, and I simply asked that they be excused from the read-aloud program.

My husband and I believe that we should be the ones to talk to our kids about sexuality and other sensitive topics—as is the right of every parent. …

Soon after I expressed those views, I was fired …

School officials terminated my employment because I expressed genuine concern—as a parent—about something happening in my children’s school. … So with the legal assistance of Alliance Defending Freedom, I filed a lawsuit against those officials. …

Georgia law allows parents to review school materials, and the First Amendment protects our right to speak out if we have a concern about the material. School officials unlawfully and unfairly targeted me because of my viewpoint. …

Loving others well sometimes involves taking a difficult stand when you know it’s the right thing to do, even if doing so surprises you because you’ve always been a people-pleaser and the least likely to rock the boat.

But this fight is worth it. Our children’s future is on the line, as well as our parental right to direct their care, upbringing, and education.

What do you think of Barr’s story and lawsuit? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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