
GOP congresswoman Nance Mace slammed for blaming midterm losses on pro-life movement – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is pushing back against U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace’s (R-SC) recent suggestion that the pro-life cause was to blame for Republicans’ underperformance in the 2022 midterm elections, calling it an “abandonment of leadership.”

Speaking on NBC’s Meet the Press this past Sunday, Mace said that abortion is “a top issue for swing voters, a number two issue in my district. The vast majority of people in my district don’t like what happened after Roe was overturned. They support women’s right to choose individually, but I’ve spoken to the folks in my district. Swing voters are willing to find some middle ground here.”

“It’s the reason we didn’t get more of a majority,” she told anchor Chuck Todd. “We could have had a two dozen-seat majority, but we don’t. This was an issue top of mind for swing voters. When you’re looking ahead to ’24, going to the extremes and digging in, there isn’t going to work for most people. When I look at every issue, not just on Roe v. Wade, but every issue, we’re so divided.”

In response, SBA president Marjorie Dannenfelser said that “[b]eing pro-life requires opposition to the destruction of children and tragic underestimation of women that abortion is – this is first and foremost a human rights issue. And failure to take a strong, coherent stand and contrast it with the extremism of the other side – for example by supporting a minimum national standard limiting abortions when unborn babies’ heartbeats can be detected or when they feel pain – is an abandonment of leadership. It’s also a losing political strategy as we saw in the midterm elections.”

For months before November 2022, many on both sides predicted that Republicans would sweep into strong majorities in both chambers of Congress in response to President Joe Biden’s unpopular handling of numerous issues; instead, the GOP barely won a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and failed to wrest the Senate from Democrat control.

With the midterms representing the first major elections to occur after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, some also predicted a pro-abortion backlash against Republicans, and after the “red wave” failed to materialize, several voices including former President Donald Trump attributed the outcomes partially to GOP candidates opposing exceptions to abortion bans.

The evidence, however, suggests that while abortion may have been a marginal boon to Democrat voter turnout, it was neither a major nor insurmountable factor in the midterms. Exit polls vary significantly in how much voters prioritized the issue; five abortion-related ballot initiatives all resulted in pro-abortion outcomes, but most incumbents won re-election regardless of party, and no state that enacted a near-total abortion ban ousted the governor or legislature responsible.

Other factors to which the midterms results have been attributed include Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell withdrawing financial support for certain candidates; Trump redirecting midterm donations to his own organization instead of midterm races and his elevation of questionable candidates in GOP primaries; Democrats themselves funding weaker Republicans in primaries; potential election fraud and Democrats’ effective harvesting of early votes and mail ballots; manipulation of swing voters by Big Tech; establishment Republicans failing to offer a compelling contrast to Democrats over the last two years; and the long-term results of left-wing bias in media and education.

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