
A Foolish Question? | Ken and Jan Merop : Blue Ridge Christian News

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A Foolish Question?

By Ken and Jan Merop

Cleveland, Tennesseeken and Jan Merop Avery County

Have you ever wanted to ask a question but held back so you wouldn’t appear foolish?

I think we all have done that at one time or another.  Why is it that we would rather remain unknowledgeable than ask?

Embarrassment.  We simply don’t want to appear foolish.

But when someone hesitates to ask me a question, I encourage them to ask.  After all, we can’t know everything and I remind them that no question is foolish.

Yet, recently, I found myself doing just that.

We had just finished watching the practice session of our youth group’s pantomime for a program at church.  I was almost 100% sure I understood it; so, I felt a little embarrassed to ask.  But then I just put that aside and presented my question.  Contrary to feeling foolish, I was glad I had asked.

My question encouraged the youth leader and the youth to know that their performance had definitely delivered the intended message.  I felt better knowing that if I had received it, others would, too.

In the everyday circumstances of life, we are often confronted with challenging situations.  These challenges raise questions.  But rather than ask, we sometimes plunge ahead in our own limited knowledge.  When we fall flat on our faces, we really feel foolish.

The Bible addresses this in chapter 1 of the book of James when referring to trials and temptations.  It even says to count these ‘intruders’ as joy because through these trials our faith is tested and the virtue of patience is produced.

No matter the dilemma (even if it’s after the fact), the Bible teaches us that God wants us to come to him and ask for help.

We read in James 1: 5, NKJV, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

“Without reproach” really jumped out at me one day.  This means that when I come to God with my questions, not only will he answer; but he will not be condescending.  He will not make me feel foolish or guilty for asking.

But the Lord wants us to come to him with a believing heart that is pulsing with faith not doubt – knowing the One I come to will answer.

Will I hear an audible voice?  Not likely.

But God has already addressed the issues of life in his Word, the Bible.  So, be sensitive to how he may lead us in Scripture or even the spoken word of other believers.

God is not limited in how he will answer.

So, ask.  Selah

Frosty Covering

The quiet expectation alive within the snowy atmosphere

was an invitation for us to walk slowly under its canopy.

As we inhaled the clean mountain air and

observed the delicate etchings of the snow’s designs,

we luxuriated in the artistry of our Creator’s hand.

“All things were created through Him and for Him.

And He is before all things, and in Him

all things consist.”

Colossians 1: 16 & 17


After six years in the mountains of Avery County, Ken and Jan Merop are now living in the hilly Tennessee countryside of Cleveland, TN…just outside of Chattanooga.  Ken’s photos can be seen at

Read more Christian news from Ken and Jan HERE.


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