
The No. 1 Problem with the Conservative Movement in America


As I’ve said before, whether it’s news headlines filled with gore and gruesome violence or chaos and confusion echoing across our land, we must realize that there is no Plan B. Our only hope is a mighty move of God’s Spirit to awaken the spiritually dead.

Drink Deeply from the Well

In John 7, we get an incredible glimpse into the cure for our chaos when Jesus cried, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (v. 37-38).

Imagine the depth of Jesus’ passion for His nation to be filled with His Spirit only to be disappointed at their rejection: “O Jerusalem … How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” (Mat. 23:37).

The same cry goes out today: Come to Christ in full surrender and drink deeply from the wells of humility.

Sadly, many are not willing. They have right ideas, but wrong hearts.

The Battle for Brokenness

We are not only in a war of words and worldviews with others, but we are also fighting the flesh within ourselves. Being a conceited conservative, a “right-wing” with a wrong heart and a rude Republican will get us nowhere. Do we really think that God puts principles over character?

I’m all for fighting for righteous causes. A few years ago I coined the phrase “the silent pulpit is not God’s pulpit” but if our passion isn’t undergirded with humility and our boldness isn’t built on brokenness, we can kiss our cause goodbye.

Right Yet Wrong

God revives the humble and fills the contrite ones with His Spirit (Isa. 57:15). But, He also resists the proud. Could God be resisting America because of pride? Absolutely! PRIDE is the number one problem with both the Left and the Right.

Does that upset you? I hope it upsets people enough to repent of their arrogance and seek the heart of God like never before!

As I write this article, major conservative voices are arguing, positioning and posturing, but I hear nothing about humbling ourselves before Almighty God.

Remember, we can be right in our reasoning, but dead wrong in our attitude.

“Others Need It but Not I!”

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, in her fantastic book on brokenness, gives a powerful example of the disease of pride when she quotes a woman named Gwyn:

“I was known as a leader at my church. I was at the church every time the doors were open. It was important to me to have everyone notice me and what I was doing. I was extremely self-righteous and thought that I was more spiritual than others. Others had needs, but not Gwyn Stanford. Others needed revival, but not I!”

Gwyn went on to say, “Right in the middle of religion, I was so very far away from God.”

Can you relate to any aspects of her experience? Would others describe you as opinionated, judgmental or critical? If so, humble yourself and seek God’s forgiveness today.

Weighed in the Balances

We have been weighed in the balances and found wanting: “Your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear” (Isa. 59:2).

Pride has infected the hearts of millions of Americans, and we must repent before there is any hope: “Utter brokenness in God’s holy presence is a prerequisite to any mighty moving of God in revival” (Henry Blackaby).

Thankfully, Gwyn repented and experienced a powerful move of God in her heart. What will you do?

God Must Get All the Pieces

What’s it going to take to draw us back to the heart of God? How many more transgender activists will seduce our children before we humble ourselves?

How many more kids will be sex-trafficked before we take a stand and press in with prayer and fasting? How many more legislators will pass wicked laws before we finally wake up and regularly call sacred assemblies and cry out to God (Joel 1:14)?

As Samuel Chadwick said, “It is a wonder what God can do with a broken heart, if He gets all the pieces.” Without God’s people truly humbling themselves there is little hope.

A Final Call for Brokenness

2023CMPrintcoverBusiness as usual is not going to cut it! This is a call to brokenness, an appeal to anguish, and a plea for full surrender to Christ: If anyone thirsts, let him come to Him and drink deeply from the well of humility (John 7:37).

Christ is the only Cure for our chaos, the only Anchor for our storm, and the only Hope for the hurting.

Note: To hear the sermon where the article originated, click here.

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Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Leona Valley, California. He also began the Westside Christian Radio Network——in 2019. His sermons, books, articles and radio program have sparked change in many people’s lives.

Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Southern California. More can be found at, and free downloads of his books are available at Visit him on Facebook and subscribe to his new podcast.

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