
God’s Strategy for SatanCon – Intercessors for America

SatanCon, touted as the world’s largest satanic gathering, will be held in Boston on April 28–30, 2023. IFA’s Massachusetts state prayer leaders asked the Lord what the prayer strategy should be. This has been confirmed in multiple ways and is consistent with the word of God.

Scottish-born-and-raised sisters Suzie and Lynne MacAskill both married Americans and relocated to Massachusetts. There, the Lord paved the way for them to answer the call to lead the IFA state prayer group. Suzie graciously shares here her prayer journal entries chronicling what the Lord has been showing to pray about the upcoming satanic conference. Not only do her journal entries provide an intercessory strategy for SatanCon, but also they demonstrate how to prayer journal and listen to the Lord. 

Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.

When we learned about the upcoming SatanCon event, I assumed we would “pray this event out” so that it would never come to Boston. I was then wakened by what I felt was God saying, “This is My harvest field.”

On January 3, 2023, I journaled:

Lord, how do You want us to target SatanCon in prayer? What do You want us to do and pray for?

Interestingly, satanists believe in something — a rebellion against Me, usually because they’ve been deeply hurt, wounded by someone in authority above them, or they’ve allowed dangerous doors to be opened due to poor choices or naivete. But they are all My children. I don’t look at them and see the costumes, the makeup, their desperate attempts to repel; I look at them instead as My children who need to know how very deeply valued and loved they truly are.

I need My intercessors to rise up: Do NOT sit back and wait for someone else to pray this out. I need each person to wake up to what is happening in their state and raise a hallelujah to counter the darkness. Praise Me, glorify Me, remember how praise and worship leads the way for victory. This battle is won already, but the fight in the natural can impact the future outcomes for Massachusetts either positively or negatively. So rile your people up, call them to the front, and get out of the church building and pray. Start prayer walks, fast and pray, and call out to Me.

Instead of a weekend of darkness we will see a glorious weekend of rejoicing as salvation after salvation takes place.

The harvest is ready — look at the fields, call up the laborers and send them forth.

Suzie and Lynne MacAskill at the IFA Policy & Prayer Summit, in D.C., in October 2022.

I was still unsure if I was hearing correctly. I knew Arizona had prayed their SatanCon out, and I do not want to lead anyone astray.

On January 6, 2023, I journaled:

Lord, how do You want us to proceed for prayers with SatanCon?

You have clearly discerned My desire that none should perish. Rather than its ‘not taking place,’ I instead want to see transformation — it’s not coming about because hearts have been changed. Prayer is your most powerful weapon. Prepare the fields through prayer. Others are already sowing, and you will all reap a harvest soon. It will be a glorious harvest, but we must have the harvest workers; they must be called up. Pray to Me to send forth the laborers, and I will be faithful. I will follow through.

Then I journaled, Lord, what three points do You want us to pray?”

  • that the Lord’s will take place for Massachusetts;
  • that the harvest fields would be ready in Massachusetts;
  • that the Lord would call up laborers into the fields — sending forth workers to Massachusetts.

Later, I was impressed with another important personal prayer point for each intercessor: Lord, help me to know if I am being called as a laborer.

My sister Lynne helps lead the Massachusetts state prayer group. She sensed confirmation of the harvest field. Jesus demonstrated His power to the woman at the well through a word of knowledge that convinced her of who He was. She told her town, and many were saved. At the end of that chapter, Jesus talks about the harvest fields and says in verse 38: “I sent you to harvest where you didn’t plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest.”

Lynne sensed the Lord say: “This is a love harvest, the scythe and the sickle will be my love.”

… Swing the sickle, for the time of harvest has come; the crop on earth is ripe (Revelation 14:15).

Additional prayer points:

  • for God to give intercessors and Christians His heart for the lost;
  • for God to prepare participants’ hearts and release them from Satan’s hold;
  • for leadership in Massachusetts to come completely under the authority of God;
  • for God to break any spiritual blinding in Massachusetts;
  • for His love to draw participants to Him;
  • that the fear of our Lord would fall over Massachusetts;
  • that God would dismantle any evil agendas or plans.

On January 10, 2023, I journaled:

Lord, is there anything You want to say to me?

Although you won’t have sown, you will have spent time preparing the ground and being out there praying and crying out to Me, standing in the gap for those who don’t know Me yet, but who will soon be back to being My precious children as the veil of deceit is ripped from their eyes and they see the true glory of the holy supernatural. I cannot wait to astound them. Keep going. I am gathering your tribe, your group, to go with you, and it will be beautiful, powerful.

The word “tribe” is very interesting, given that Donna with the IFA New Hampshire state prayer group has been very involved with us regarding SatanCon. Donna said she felt that God was impressing upon her a “unity” of involvement and that this included the Native Americans, as they were the original stewards of the land.

Further, Donna had moved from Massachusetts and still prays with a group in that state. As they were starting to pray to drive SatanCon out of Boston, they felt the Father ask them: “What if I AM bringing them here?” They sensed Him say that those people are Christ’s lost bride and that He wants them at His banqueting table.

On Tuesday, January 24, 2023, I sent out an email with the prayer points and strategies to the contacts I have through the IFA Massachusetts prayer group. An intercessor responded that he had initially felt, “Not in my town, you aren’t,” when he heard about SatanCon, but later felt he received a dream from the Holy Spirit that had altered his heart.

On Thursday, January 26, 2023, I appeared with my sister Lynne on Pray with America’s Leaders, with special guest Jeannie Ortega Law. The day before, I journaled:

Dear Lord, is there anything You would like us to say on IFA tomorrow?

I want the world to know that I don’t stand in condemnation against them. Yes, judgment will come at the end, but whilst there is still time, there is still hope, there is still complete forgiveness, complete cleansing, and My complete and all-encompassing love.

Every person (not just some, but every person) who plans on attending this event is My child, intricately and beautifully created by Me, created for relationship and love with Me, not with any other or by any other, but created for love with Me. But they have lost their first love. They don’t realize that all the hurt and rejection they have experienced has ultimately come from Satan. As they try and stand against Me, all I want to do is overwhelm them with My love.

They are known to Me. I know everything about them. I know what they’ve experienced at the hands of others, the words that have been spoken over them, the breaking of their hearts and value, their worth. They believe they’ve found acceptance, a community where they belong, and yet they are showing allegiance to the one who orchestrated all their hurts in the first place, blinded to this painful truth.

But I AM removing this blindness, I AM peeling the scales from their eyes, taking the veil down. They will see clearly again. Some of them will see for the very first time, and, oh, what they will see! The hands scarred by nails, welcoming them, beckoning them into Our arms to experience true love, powerful love for the very first time — to know they are known, to sense they really do matter and that they were created for a reason.

My banner is up over Massachusetts and I AM declaring — this is MINE, My children, My hearts, My glory, My salvation. All those who are weary and burdened, come to Me and I will raise you up, I will carry you, I will set your strengthened feet back on the ground and you will walk again, you will run, and you will know joy and delight in your salvation.

Strategies for intercessors:

  1. Prepare the way for victory with praise and worship. We need to raise a hallelujah to counter the darkness. This was confirmed by an intercessor I have never met, on an IFA state prayer call, who used the same exact phrase God had given me.
  2. Get out of the church buildings: Prayer-walk around the “harvest field,” take communion at the site (the venue has not yet been chosen to host SatanCon).
  3. Fast and pray, crying out to God for these lost people and for their salvation.
  4. Pray in agreement with the key prayer points above.

I was also challenged to consider this question: “Do we have a travailing, a weeping for these satanists who are lost from Jesus?” How would you answer that question? Please leave a comment.

Please share this strategy with everyone you know who will pray in agreement! Use the share button.

(Editor’s note: IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all of the information we post, and especially when sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether prophetic words may apply to you personally, or to the Body, and how they apply, as well as how you are to pray. Every prophetic word is to be tested by each believer, in accordance with 1 John 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:20–21; and Acts 17:11.)

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