
Georgia Cop Quits Rather Than Keep Silent on Christian Marriage Beliefs – The Stream

A Port Wentworth, Georgia, police officer says he felt forced to resign after standing up for his views on marriage. “Welcome to the Sexual Revolution’s version of 1984,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

The 19-year-old was placed on administrative leave after refusing to remove a Facebook post that said: “Marriage refers to Christ and the church. That’s why there’s no such thing as homosexual marriage.”

“Hooray for this young man who stayed true to his beliefs,” Morse said. “He was persecuted, and ultimately lost his job, for defending his religious values.”

Jacob Kersey was told that his opinion could call into question his objectivity while performing his official duties.

“What nonsense,” Morse said. “His posting didn’t express animus toward any group. He simply stated his opinion on the nature of marriage. Ironically, he was told that he could quote Scripture here, as long as he didn’t comment on the verse.”

“Under the Sexual Revolution, freedom of speech is becoming the relic of a bygone era,” Morse said. “The only thoughts you’re allowed to express are those that don’t challenge Big Brother.”

“There’s increasing pressure to go along with the elite. Last week, a Philadelphia Flyers defenseman received a torrent of abuse for refusing to wear a pro-LGBTQ jersey during the NHL team’s pride night. The player, Ivan Provorov, said he ‘couldn’t stay true to myself and my religion’ if he wore the jersey.

“In America today, you’re free to express any point of view on marriage, homosexuality, abortion or transgenderism, as long as it’s establishment approved. Otherwise, you’re in for a whole lot of trouble,” Morse said.

“Thank God for these two courageous young men. May their numbers increase.”

CIA Analyst on Woke Social Control

The latest “Dr. J Show” guest is Stella Morabito, who worked for the CIA during the Cold War as an analyst of Communist media. She shares in this interview and in her book, The Weaponization of Loneliness, how she sees history repeating itself today.

For anyone noticing all the “wokeness” of transgenderism, gender ideology in schools, Critical Race Theory, etc., and wondering how it took root, Morabito can explain. In essence, it’s psychological manipulation and propaganda, she says.

“The common thread is that in order to get people on board with these agendas, you have to cultivate that primeval human fear of being ostracized or socially rejected for speaking your mind. This is not a new thing.”

The French and Bolshevik Revolutions, Mao’s China, and the Third Reich employed these techniques and more, such as the taking down of statues, renaming streets and schools, and heavy propaganda. It’s about erasing cultural memories to create a vacuum so new dogmas can take over, Morabito says.

People need to understand how these phenomena affect us psychologically and how it can create a cascade of self-censorship. When we stop talking about what’s on our mind, we’re actually regulating public opinion.

When you start self-silencing, you create a spiral of silence, where the majority opinion gets side-tracked or ridiculed so you create the illusion that it’s a minority opinion … . It really helps tyrants or totalitarians when we self-censor. They don’t have to do as much direct censorship if we’re always in fear of saying something that would offend.

Other manipulative tools include the conformity impulse, snitch culture, criminalization of comedy, and separating us from one another. “Isolation is probably the most powerful weapon that can be wielded,” she says.

Learn more, including about the three-legged stool of tyranny: identity politics, political correctness, and mob agitation, by watching the interview.

Victory for Justice: Jury Acquits Pro-Life Activist

“The verdict in the Mark Houck case is a victory for justice,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., President of the Ruth Institute. She continued:

That this pro-life activist and father of seven was prosecuted in the first place shows how egregiously the Biden Administration has politicized the Department of Justice. If convicted, Houck could have faced more than a decade in prison.

On October 13, 2021, Houck and his 12-year-old son were standing outside a Philadelphia abortion clinic. A clinic worker shouted obscenities and told the son that his father has a “weird religion” and “hates women.”

Houck used his hand to keep the bully away from his son. The DOJ prosecuted Houck under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

“This wasn’t even a violation of the FACE Act,” Morse said. “It involved a dispute outside a clinic, not an attempt to block anyone’s access to the clinic.”

The DOJ sent a 20-man SWAT team in full combat gear to Houck’s home to arrest him in front of his children. “That was disgusting,” Morse said.

Since the Dobbs decision, more than 100 churches and pregnancy resource centers have been vandalized. Only recently has the DOJ finally prosecuted one of the vandals. Equal administration of justice? Hardly.

Prior to the Dobbs decision, there were raucous demonstrations outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices to intimidate them. This is a clear violation of federal law, but the DOJ turned a blind eye.

The prosecution of Mark Houck was a “travesty of justice,” Morse said. “Congress should launch an investigation into Biden’s DOJ for abusing its authority by politicizing law enforcement.”

In a release following the verdict, Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society, which represented Houck stated: “The Biden Department of Justice’s intimidation against pro-life people and people of faith has been put in its place.”

Morse added, “The Thomas More Society is to be congratulated for this important victory. I thank them for their excellent work.”

Midweek Motivation — Decluttering: The Benefits of Letting Go

On “Ask a Survivor,” clergy abuse victim, Faith Hakesley, writes about the benefits of cutting down on clutter.

If you are contending with any kind of trauma, you are probably feeling overwhelmed. That’s only natural. However, if the physical space around you is cluttered and disorganized, you will likely feel even more overwhelmed.

Decluttering can be an important part of self-care especially when you are healing from trauma. Choosing to surround yourself with fewer things can improve your sense of well-being and help you to feel more relaxed.

I am not suggesting that everyone has to embrace minimalism. That isn’t for everyone. However, there is something to be said for living more simply and surrounding ourselves with what we truly enjoy and need.

Keep reading.

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.

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