
Democrats were honest at the State of the Union about their love for killing babies – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Last month, the Republican Party put forward a bill that would require healthcare providers to care for children who are born alive during attempted abortions. It is not common for children to survive an abortion—the procedure is designed to decapitate, dismember, and disembowel them before they leave the womb—but it does happen from time to time. Sometimes, these children are hastily killed—sometimes by strangulation—when the doctor realizes that a “live birth” complication has arisen.  

Sometimes, the children are left somewhere to die alone—in the case of Christ Hospital in Illinois, in the soiled utility room. Sometimes, they survive against all odds—survivors like Melissa Ohden and Gianna Jessen have become powerful voices for the millions of missing ones. 

The Democrats rejected the bill out of hand. Their party has become the party of infanticide, and they openly and shamelessly oppose mandatory care even for those who escape the bloody maw of the abortion industry. They are led in this by their allegedly Catholic president, Joe Biden. Biden made it clear at the State of the Union that he is utterly committed to the reconstitution of Roe and the destruction of millions more children in the womb.  

It is common practice for politicians of all parties to wear American flag pins to significant events. But the Democrats are not committed to the United States as such—and certainly not the America founded on Judeo-Christian principles. They are committed to the America born in the Sexual Revolution, not the nation created by Scriptural revelation. And so, Democrats took to Twitter prior to the State of the Union to flaunt their new “abortion pins.”  

Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts posted a photo with his pin, provided by Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion business. The word “abortion” had a heart in the “o,” perhaps to remind everyone that more than sixty million hearts have been stopped by the abortion industry over the past half-century, and that if Markey and his colleagues have their druthers that’ll just be a start. Other Democrats were wearing the same pin. For them, abortion isn’t just healthcare. It is good. They love it. That’s why there’s a heart in the “o.” 

That isn’t just a pro-life commentator engaging in hyperbole, by the way. When I reported on the Women’s March the day after the Trump inauguration, one of the speakers—standing next to Gloria Steinem and Scarlett Johannsen and Michael Moore—was wearing a sweater covered with the phrase “I heart abortion.” I’m not accusing when I say that these people are dedicated to feticide. I’m quoting.

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PRO-LIFE BOYCOTT: Demand CVS and Walgreens STOP Selling Abortion Pills!
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Walgreens and CVS will begin selling mifepristone — a powerful chemical that kills unborn children in the womb — if pro-life America does not ACT NOW. 

Pro-life Americans MUST STOP the widespread sale and distribution of mifepristone by sending a message that only big-box stores will understand: A NATIONAL BOYCOTT OF WALGREENS AND CVS. 

Walgreens and CVS are the newest back-door channels for the pro-abortion movement, now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade. 

Will you act now to STOP abortion drugs from reaching your pharmacy? 

Our work in the pro-life movement is FAR from over, especially now that Walgreens and CVS have chosen to push deadly drugs in their stores and in our communities! 

SIGN and SEND a message to Walgreens and CVS! This is completely unacceptable! 

We must stop abortion from reaching our pharmacies and stop the abortion industry from poisoning our communities — before it’s too late. 

These big-box stores respond only to profit. The pro-life movement must enact a national boycott if the abortion industry dares flood our neighborhoods! 

SIGN and SEND a strong message to Walgreens and CVS: unless they immediately reverse course, the entire pro-life movement will BOYCOTT their stores! 

SIGN NOW and send a clear message! 


CVS & Walgreens announce plans to dispense abortion pills after Biden FDA loosens restrictions

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READ: RNC urges candidates to ‘go on offense’ against abortion ahead of 2024 elections

What are they supporting? Don’t take it from me. Take it from LeRoy Carhart, one of America’s most notorious late-term abortionists. In an interview with a BBC host, he noted that his job is to kill babies. “The baby has no input in this as far as I’m concerned.” The host tried to correct him: “It’s interesting you use the word baby, because most abortionists won’t use that—they’ll use the word fetus, because they don’t want to acknowledge[.]” 

Carhart was clearly disinterested in attempting to sugar-coat his bloody work. “I think that it is a baby, and I use [the word] with patients,” he interrupted. The host’s eyes were wide at this point. “And you don’t have a problem … with … killing a baby?” she asked, almost hesitantly. Carhart was unequivocal: “I have no problem if it’s in the mother’s uterus.” He then went on to show her his baby-crushing tools and described how they worked.  

The Democrats were honest at the State of the Union about what they love. One of America’s top abortionist is honest about what he does. Put those two things together, and you realize what those pins mean. 

Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer, and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages and published widely online as well as print newspapers such as the Jewish Independent, the National Post, the Hamilton Spectator and others. He has received an award for combating anti-Semitism in print from the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN, and the CBC as well as dozens of radio stations and news outlets in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

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