
Children’s Transgender Clinic in St. Louis, Subject for Investigation Due to Alleged Prescription of Puberty-Blocking Drugs

The whistleblower, Jamie Reed, disclosed a sworn statement that she witnessed doctors prescribing puberty-blocking drugs to minors without parental consent. According to Catholic News Agency, the information led lawmakers in Missouri to announce at least two official investigations into a children’s transgender clinic in St. Louis. The clinic is located in Washington, D.C., where Jamie Reed also lives.

Investigation in Children’s Transgender Clinic

On Thursday, Feb. 9, Missouri attorney general Andrew Bailey announced that two weeks ago, an investigation into the St. Louis hospital’s procedures was launched in response to the charges made by Reed. According to the statement of Jamie Reed, the overwhelming majority of the people in Reed’s life advised her to keep silent. However, conscience has been bothering her since the welfare of many youths is of greater importance than Reed’s comfort. She added, “what is happening to them is ethically wrong and dangerous to their health.” Jamie Reed was a former member of the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

As mentioned, Reed asserted that her previous clinic, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, routinely recommended kids for gender change surgery and conducted at least double surgery to remove breasts in children. Also, the clinic gives puberty blockers and other medications to a significant percentage of children and teenagers. They initiated a change in medical care for more than 600 children for over two years, beginning in 2020 and continuing through 2022. Around 74% of these children were identified as female at the delivery time.

Due to the lack of transparency and strict guidelines that characterize youth gender transition across the country, Reed believes that a moratorium should be required on hormonal and surgical treatment for young people struggling with gender dysphoria. It is to ensure the safety of children in the United States.

On the other hand, the statement of Andrew Bailey also says that Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital has been causing harm to hundreds of children yearly. It includes administering experimental medicines to children. They are treating these allegations seriously and conducting exhaustive investigations to ensure that children will not be put in danger by persons whose primary priority may be furthering radical social agendas rather than the wellbeing of children. Andrew Bailey also stressed that one of his goals as an attorney general is to make Missouri the safest state in the country for children.

Also Read: University In Missouri Encourages Children To ‘Choose Their Gender’, Say Texas Transgender Law ‘Abhorrent’

St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s Response to Jamie Reed

In response to the allegations of their former employee, the St. Louis Children’s Hospital stated that they are worried by the charges that were revealed in the article published by The Free Press. The piece describes practices and behaviors the author claims she witnessed while working at the university’s Transgender Center. Additionally, the clinic is taking the problem very seriously. It has already started investigating the case to determine the facts in the scenario.

Furthermore, they ensured that the safety and health of their patients are and will continue to be their number one concern at all times. The St. Louis Children’s Hospital is dedicated to providing compassionate treatment centered on the patient’s family and every one of their patients. Also, the clinic expects the highest professionalism and ethics from its medical practitioners.

Related Article: Trans Care Center Informant Reveals Alarming Conditions in Gender-Affirming Hospital for Children

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