
Seattle Times cartoonist doesn’t understand that Catholic hospitals must be pro-life – LifeSite

SEATTLE (LifeSiteNews) – A cartoonist at The Seattle Times believes that the Catholic Church should keep its nose out of health care when it comes to culture of death procedures.

In a short opinion piece published February 10, cartoonist David Horsey offered a cartoonish understanding of Catholic bioethics, which is fitting considering he is as cartoonist.

Furthermore, we might say that Horsey’s opinion was, well, horse manure.

He wrote, “In America, we are free to believe, or to not believe, in whatever religious precepts we choose. What happens, though, when those precepts put limits on the medical decisions of people who do not share the same beliefs?”

If there could be a better example of the logical absurdity of liberalism, I don’t know if I could formulate it.

Let’s unpack that statement for a moment.

In Horsey’s mind, we are free to believe or not believe in whatever we want … but when those beliefs interact with actions and live reality, then we are not free anymore. This is the logic of his supposed thesis statement.

Is someone really free to hold a belief if they cannot act out that belief?

If a Catholic hospital holds Catholic beliefs, then it must by definition act out those beliefs in order to actually be Catholic.

It is not about putting “limits on the medical decisions” of non-believers, it is about Catholic hospitals being Catholic and doing Catholic things.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Horsey’s attempt to articulate “get your rosaries off her ovaries.”

Now, forgive me for making assumptions, but I would imagine that this Left Coast cartoonist who has no issue blasting the Catholic Church and promoting women’s “reproductive rights” with his not-so-sly OBGYN setting was likely a proponent of the COVID jab.

I wonder if Mr. Horsey would make the same critique about enforcing beliefs about vaccines on others in order that they access various services. Now, it may be that he is consistent and applies his disdain for the acting out of Catholic beliefs in health care to situations wherein adherents of the COVID religion act out their beliefs as well.

But if I was a betting man, I would venture a guess that he would respond something like: “It is not applicable to compare Catholic Church teaching to scientific fact regarding vaccines and viruses.”

This is a typical leftist rhetorical tool. You see, for the left winger, when the Catholic Church makes a moral claim about a biological reality such as life in the womb, this is merely a religious statement, but when a secularist says get jabbed or get out, this a purely rational and scientific argument.

Horsey continued, “ … [I]n outlying areas, there is often just a single hospital serving a large area and, if it is part of the Catholic medical system, people seeking banned treatments may be forced to travel significant distances to get the help they need.”

In case you are wondering what “banned treatments” he was talking about, he was referring to “aid in dying, abortion, certain fertility treatments and contraception.”

Basically, Horsey wants you to shelf your Catholic beliefs because more people need to die.

Grandma needs to be put down like an animal at a vet clinic. Her grandson or granddaughter needs to be terminated so her daughter can finish her degree. When the daughter is done with her degree and gets married in her late 30s, she needs to destroy numerous created human lives in order to create disposable children in a petri dish. And when she is done, her husband and her need to be spayed and neutered.

Throughout the piece, Horsey acknowledged that Catholic hospitals serve rural areas that would otherwise be without a hospital if it wasn’t for the Catholic health system. Not once does he say, “gee, it is a good thing those awful Catholics with their backwards beliefs are charitable enough to make sure that lifesaving care is given to people who need it.”

Saving lives will not suffice for the progressive, because health care just isn’t the same unless you are offing people.

Kennedy Hall is an Ontario based journalist for LifeSiteNews. He is married with children and has a deep love for literature and political philosophy. He is the author of Terror of Demons: Reclaiming Traditional Catholic Masculinity, a non-fiction released by TAN books, and Lockdown with the Devil, a fiction released by Our Lady of Victory Press. He writes frequently for Crisis Magazine, Catholic Family News, and is on the editorial board at OnePeterFive.

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