
Government Covers Jesus Painting to Create ‘Welcoming Environment’ – Intercessors for America

This decision is an unconstitutional attack on Christianity. Let’s pray for hearts to be changed.

From The Western Journal. A Republican congressman is calling for action after the Merchant Marine Academy decided to cover up an iconic painting of Jesus.

Have you taken your place on the wall?

The painting, entitled “Christ on the Water,” has hung at the academy in Kings Point, New York, since the 1940s, and was inspired by seamen killed during World War II, according to Fox News.

In January, the academy decided to cover the painting with a white curtain in response to the objections from 18 students and a complaint filed by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

In a statement, the academy said it was responding to “constitutional concerns related to a painting hanging in the Elliot See Conference Room in Wiley Hall.”

“Our priority is to ensure the Academy is a welcoming environment for all and that it respects all religions without endorsing one over any others. In light of this, the Academy has chosen to cover the painting with curtains, and will also install a plaque describing its history. The curtains will remain closed when official Academy meetings and events are conducted. This solution balances legal requirements with the concerns of those who have an interest in the painting,” the statement said.

Banks disputed the explanation, according to Fox News.

“Covering this painting isn’t about ‘constitutional concerns,’ it is just the latest example of the Left’s woke agenda,” Banks said.

Banks wrote Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg a letter demanding the painting be restored, without being hidden. The academy is under the jurisdiction of the Maritime Administration, which is part of the Department of Transportation. …

Banks said a 2019 Supreme Court ruling stated that “historic displays with religious symbolism are not a violation of the constitution.” …

What do you think of the decision to cover this painting? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Western Journal. Photo Credit: Canva)

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