
Journey Church’s Pastor Refuted the Idea That Every Person is Destined to Find “The One”

In early February, Pastor J.J. Vasquez of the Journey Church addressed in his sermon that the concept of people searching for their romantic partner whom “God destined” as “the one who will complete me” is unrealistic for several reasons. Pastor Vasquez founded Journey Church together with his wife, Liz, in 2014.

Refuted Idea of “The One”

According to the report from The Christian Post, Pastor Vasquez claims that the concept of “the one” does not originate from the Bible. Therefore, he refused to believe it. He stated that those who believe in a romantic partner to be “the one” may “give one person” too much power. Pastor Vasquez also mentioned that the concept of “the one” contradicts what is written in the Bible.

He noted that the idea that “the one would complete my heart” frequently leaves Jesus out of the picture. Everyone has a gap in their heart that needs to be filled with Jesus rather than others. Christians need to understand that “the one” does not exist and that getting married does not mean one will no longer experience feelings of loneliness.

If people feel lonely before finding someone, they will continue to feel lonely after having someone because their loneliness doesn’t have anything to do with the other person. As mentioned, loneliness indicates that the missing piece is not the issue. It is because people got the formula backward. People believe they are puzzled, searching for the missing piece in their lives. However, if they remain alone long enough, loneliness will make them realize that they are the one who is missing.

Furthermore, Pastor Vasquez also stated that those who are meant to be single are God-given gifts. If a person does not have a significant other, they do not have to be concerned about the remaining parts of the puzzle. The only thing they need to do is establish a connection with God. Even when another person does not come, people can still fulfill their desires as long as they are connected with their purpose.

Also Read: ‘Jesus Was Single’: Pastor Comforts Unmarried People During Valentine’s Day

How does Singleness Become a Gift from God?

An article from the Reforming Church stated that even though a person is not legally married, they are nevertheless fortunate. They will eventually experience all of the blessings of being linked to Christ. According to Boundless, when Christians discuss the concept of singleness as a “gift” from the Bible, they are referring to a chapter written by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:7. In this verse, Paul states, “I wish that all persons were as I am, but each one has their gift from God, one has one kind, another has another kind.” 

Accordingly, the spiritual blessing of singleness is not merely the condition of being single. Paul’s “wishes” for all others are a specific manifestation of God’s spirit that enables one to serve God with undivided devotion without preoccupation with sexual encounters, marriage, or children. The direct beneficiary of Paul’s spiritual gift of singleness is the body of Christ in its mission to proclaim the gospel and build the kingdom of God.

Related Article: Are You Prepared For Marriage? A Christian Single’s Guide To Marriage


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