
US bishop praises Mark Houck for working to ‘change hearts’ after pro-life victory over DOJ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Today we’ve got a special episode of The Bishop Strickland Show for you. This week, Catholic father and pro-life activist Mark Houck joined Bishop Joseph Strickland to discuss his major victory over Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and whether or not he’ll press charges against the federal government for its gross overreach.

Bishop Strickland praised Houck for his tireless work to “convert hearts” and congratulated him after he was found not guilty of violating the FACE Act. Houck had defended his son from the harassment of a Planned Parenthood volunteer escort, and his family’s home was raided by the FBI.

“When it comes to the sanctity of the life of the unborn, we’ve got to speak up. We’ve got to do everything we can to convert hearts,” His Excellency said. “And what Mark was trying to do with his son there was exactly that. And for it to get twisted, and he ends up going through a trial and all of this, and the atrocity … of how his home was invaded [by the FBI]. It just made me angry. It was upsetting. And I felt the need to speak up. And I’m glad I was first in line and I’m glad there were others.”

Houck said receiving Bishop Strickland’s support was a great consolation for him and his family.

“When I heard that he was saying Mass for us and that he was praying for us, it consoled my heart, right? It consoled my wife’s heart. And it was within 24 hours, I think, of it all happening,” he said. “So, boy, that was a great joy to all of us. So thanks again.”

WATCH: Faith, trust, rosary: Mark Houck, Thomas More Society discuss trial, next steps in powerful livestream

Later in the episode, Bishop Strickland urged us to follow Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s advice to stay in the Church, pray for Pope Francis, and refuse to obey evil commands, adding that prayer really does change people’s hearts and minds.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see some of the priests, or the cardinals, or the world leaders, or the state leaders that are promoting abortion, and promoting evil, and talking about we’ve got to embrace same-sex ‘marriage,’ all of these things that go contrary to the teachings of our faith … wouldn’t it be marvelous to see evidence of hearts really being changed?” His Excellency said.

“I mean, people are converting all the time. Mark Houck said that a man … had been a failed Catholic and he was inspired to return to his faith by seeing the example of Mark. We all have to believe that God can use us in the same way,” he added.

To watch all previous episodes of The Bishop Strickland Showclick here to visit LifeSite’s Rumble page dedicated to The Bishop Strickland Show.

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