What to Do When You Think a Friend Is Considering Suicide

It’s addressing a real problem. Simply, there are a lot of people who struggle with suicide. Suicide is the second …

A Tribute to Raquel Welch’s Life and Testimony

She fully embraced the Reformed and Presbyterian faith as described in the Westminster standards. She would never burden others that …

I Didn’t Marry The Woman Of My Dreams

This is what charismatic Christians fail to consider: every revelation from God is just as authoritative as the Bible. Every …

Pieces of a Puzzle

One guy, who played football for Miami High, was a bad guy. Well, one day, Jack the bad guy, walked …

Heavenly Rewards

But one of the most important things that rewards do for Christians is to remind us of the character of …

God Speaks with Enduring Words

With this enduring Word, unmatched in any other book in any other place, is it any wonder that as Jesus …

A Band of Brothers

Impartiality is one of the most needed and maybe one of the most neglected aspects of faithful ministry. The closer …