
‘Disciple-Making’ Children to Win Battles – Intercessors for America

Analysis. Biblical testimony abounds of what happened when the children of Israel mixed with the surrounding pagan society: enslavement, poverty, and death. The Israelite elders repeatedly forgot God, and they failed to remember His ways — that is, to teach those ways to their children. The outcome: … everyone did whatever he wanted (Judges 21:25 HCSB). In the same way, we, too, have done whatever seems right in our own eyes. And we model the same thing, in turn, to our children.

Have you taken your place on the wall?

We have mixed with an ungodly culture, and we are experiencing the consequences. Enslavement to sin and depravity; poverty bred of humanism and hedonism; government-sanctioned emotional and physical torture of children; and death abounding through the government-led culling of the elderly and the infirm — all of this is the bitter fruit of our error.

In repentance there is no condemnation, but repentance does necessitate behavioral change resulting from spiritual refinement. These levels of degradation we now battle on every front did not occur overnight. This darkness increased and expanded over time, occurring in the vacuum of our apathy or within the rooms of our complicity. Christ-following parents and grandparents all seem to have one heart, agreeing that in the absence of what is good, every evil thing has put down roots. Regarding the myriad ways our partnership with what is wicked also strengthens Beelzebul’s house, there does not appear to be similar oneness of heart within the Church at large. Instead, all of this is obvious to some of us, debated by others, and summarily rejected by still others.

We pray daily that we may become His cities on the hill, and we petition for His perfect will in the lives of our children. The debating over the modes of access to children and families that Satan has been given, however, is overshadowing our corporate need for immediate course correction. This raises the question: When our prayers are finally answered and the systems of Ba’al and Leviathan are destroyed, will we be ready to live in a manner unlike most of us have ever lived before — in purity, and wholly for the LORD?  No mixture; no tolerance for a little leaven.

When these corrupt public school system structures are destroyed, will we then build new systems, restoring the Hebraic ways of teaching and training our children in the way they should go, with the Bible as the foundational text? Or will we return to anti-Christ instructional pedagogy and culturally sensitive curricula? Will we consider a little bit of Disney and Nickelodeon acceptable? Or will we commit to avoiding the mixed messages we model, when we accept a little bit of the darkness — through what we stream, where we shop, or how we respond when our faith is attacked?

It is far better that we consider these uncomfortable and habit-changing decisions now, while there is still time. Our children’s generation has been created for this time. In recent days, we have seen intensified attacks and the encroachment of the enemy within America’s borders and airspace. The natural and spiritual battles are intensifying, and, who knows? — perhaps your child has come to his or her royal position for such a time as this (see Esther 4:14). We must correct our course in every area of compromise, as God has gently whispered is necessary for our children, our grandchildren, and other children entrusted to us to disciple. Let’s live and teach God’s faithfulness. Let’s write visions of a transformed society, enabling those who will come out of His harvest to run to it.

How are you praying for children and the next generation? Please share below.

Mavourene Robinson began in full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools’ Board of Education in 2017–2018, and for the Maryland Senate in 2022. A lifelong learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash.

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