
Assisted suicide is a consequence of society’s failure to support suffering individuals – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Suffering comes in innumerable forms. In our increasingly atomized society, we have fewer and fewer support systems and safety nets to alleviate our suffering. And so assisted suicide regimes have become the final – and predictable – consequence of radical personal autonomy. We are alone and we can do whatever we want – but because we are alone, many of us want to die. 

Assisted suicide is becoming the default for our postmodern society’s many failures. If you attempt to change your sex – as the culture tells you that you can – and the surgery fails and the drugs don’t work, you can always opt for state-sanctioned suicide. If you are hopelessly lonely, you can ask to be euthanized. If you cannot break your addictions and are tired of trying, you can ask to be euthanized. Every one of those examples has happened in Western countries – and recently. 

And so, it is not surprising that we are seeing the term “suffering” used as a catch-all category. A recent column in BioEdge noted several recent examples, including the death of 56-year-old Genevieve Lhermitte, who was killed by assisted suicide sixteen years to the day after she murdered her five children aged 15, 12, 10, 7, and 3 by stabbing them or slitting their throats – allegedly to traumatize her husband. 

Sentenced to life in prison, she was released in 2019 into a psychiatric hospital. She asked for and was granted permission to commit assisted suicide for psychological suffering on February 28. 

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The Quebec College of Physicians must not be allowed to murder infants
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The Quebec College of Physicians believes Canada’s assisted suicide program, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), can and should be used on infants born with ‘severe malformations’.

This is nothing short of infanticide.

In a recent press release, Dr. Louis Roy from the Quebec College of Physicians claimed that MAiD could be appropriate for babies born with ‘grave and severe syndromes’ for which their ‘prospective of survival is null, so to speak.’

No matter how you spin it, an infant cannot consent to their own death – to decide for them and give a lethal dose is murder.

Sign now to tell the Quebec College of Physicians they cannot issue death sentences to infants with illnesses!

Once the door to killing without consent is opened, the number of people who become eligible to be murdered increases exponentially. Providing MAiD to a person who cannot consent is a standard that is wildly dangerous for all persons with intellectual disabilities in Canada.

Canada cannot begin killing babies when doctors predict that they will not have a good quality of life. Predictions are often based on discriminatory assumptions about life with a disability. Many people diagnosed with disabilities as babies who were expected to not have a good quality of life are now grown adults leading thriving lives.

Providing MAiD for terminally ill newborns is murder! This is a slippery slope towards ending the lives of millions of people either born with or diagnosed with intellectual disabilities.

The Quebec College of Physicians MUST back down from infanticide — SIGN NOW and make them know that you flatly condemn this horrifying practice!


‘It’s murder’: Quebec physicians group slammed for proposing to euthanize ‘severely ill’ babies

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There are others. Nathalie Huygens, a 50-year-old Belgian who was the victim of a violent rape in 2016, applied for and was approved for assisted suicide due to the tremendous psychological suffering she endured afterwards. “I fought all this time day after day to keep myself alive, it is not tenable,” she told the press. 

“I want the suffering to stop, to end. Knowing now that I can die is somehow reassuring.” As I noted in my 2016 book “The Culture War,” a 44-year-old suffering from anorexia also died by assisted suicide in 2014 after being sexually abused by her psychiatrist. 

BioEdge also cited the example of Shanti De Corte, who was 17 when she survived the 2016 terrorist bombing in Brussels and suffered from PTSD and suicidal ideation as a result. She made her second suicide attempt after being sexually assaulted in a psychiatric hospital. 

“That day really cracked her,” her mother told a Belgian TV station. “She never felt safe after that.” De Corte was killed by assisted suicide in 2021, and the Federal Commission for the Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia of Belgium found nothing concerning about her death. 

This is what we are seeing unfold almost weekly in Canada. Last week, Les Landry of Medicine Hat, Alberta, came on our podcast and explained why he is applying for assisted suicide – not because he wants to die, he emphasized, but because he cannot afford to live. 

He also noted that the Trudeau government has taken years to deal with the deadly shortage of disability assistance in Canada – but managed to ramrod an assisted suicide regime through in record time. The government, in short, recognizes that there is much suffering, and also recognizes that they either cannot or will not offer the support necessary to alleviate that suffering. 

Instead, the government offers “death with dignity,” which simply means dying sooner.  

Suffering from mental illness? We offer you suicide. Struggling to live with a disability and in need of desperate support? We offer you suicide. Suffering horribly after a traumatizing victimization? Suicide. Lonely? Suicide. Sick? Suicide. Suicidal? Suicide. 

This slippery slope with a pile of corpses at the bottom and a lineup at the top – and a government spokesperson telling the crowd to step right this way to access your state-given right to die with dignity. Your suffering can be ended – not by the assistance you so badly need, but at the end of a needle.

Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer, and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages and published widely online as well as print newspapers such as the Jewish Independent, the National Post, the Hamilton Spectator and others. He has received an award for combating anti-Semitism in print from the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN, and the CBC as well as dozens of radio stations and news outlets in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

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