
The Brew: Trump’s March Madness – The Stream

Happy Monday!

I’ll be on a road trip the next couple days, so naturally, the news is going to go nutty. Talking, of course, about the Soros-funded Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg planning to indict former President Trump.

Trump’s Pending Indictment For Payment to Stormy Daniels

On Tuesday, if Donald Trump is correct, America will officially become a banana republic. The kind of despotic hellhole where the party in power arrests the leading opposition figure on absurd charges. It’s as if Joe Biden and his friend in the Manhattan D.A. office asked, “What Would Putin Do?”

Reports are Trump is getting indicted this week for the $130,000 that ended up in the hands of stripper Stormy Daniels during the 2016 campaign. Because, gosh, heaven forbid the public found out that Donald Trump had been a hound dog. Because 30 years of tabloid reports wasn’t enough proof of that. The Feds already passed on making a case of it — heck, Bragg originally wanted nothing to do with it. And Daniels made such a mess of it, she has been ordered by a court to pay Trump $300,000. American Thinker has a nice look at how truly twisted this prosecution will be.

In any event, the best prosecutors could say is the payment (which there’s no direct proof Trump signed off on), was some type of campaign finance violation. In fact, if proven, it’s still no worse than Hillary Clinton claiming payments for the Steele Dossier were “legal fees.” And yet, we’re likely to witness the unprecedented scene of the leading candidate for the opposition party arrested, booked, fingerprinted.

I wrote about this Saturday in “Donald Trump and the Stormy Time Ahead for the Nation.”

What Would an Indictment Do?

It’ll show us who serves America and who’ll settle for a banana republic. Any politician who does not express outrage at a Soros-Funded D.A. — who ignores New York’s rampant violent crime, who puts the worst of the worst back on the streets without a care of the carnage — using the power of his office to pursue a political foe on behalf of his benefactors … is not worthy of any leadership role in this nation.

Hate Donald Trump all you want. Be jealous of his political success all you need to be. Want the nomination all you want. Loathe his supporters (as so many do). But if you don’t call this out for what it is you are either a coward or crook or too dumb or too power-mad to be trusted.

GOP rival Vivek Ramaswamy gets it. He calls the looming indictment “un-American.” “It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals,” the entrepreneur tweeted. “This will mark a dark moment in American history and will undermine public trust in our electoral system itself. I call on the Manhattan District Attorney to reconsider this action and to put aside partisan politics in service of preserving our Constitutional republic.”

Former VP Mike Pence told Breitbart News he’s “just taken aback” by the looming indictment. Pence says it “reeks of the kind of political prosecution that we endured back in the days of the Russia hoax and the whole impeachment over a phone call.” Added Trump’s potential rival. “One thing I know is, I know that former President Trump can take care of himself.”

As of Sunday evening, no word from Ron DeSantis. And if Twitter is any indication, MAGA world is not pleased at his silence. 

Don’t Take the Bait

The irony is, the American people are not nearly as stupid as our political and societal elites believe. They will see this for what it is. Elon Musk among others predicts an indictment will backfire spectacularly.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene echoed the thought, saying there’s no need to protest. “These idiots are sealing their own fate in 2024 because the silent majority has two feelings right now about the current regime: Fear and anger.”

That’s not to diminish the danger. Yesterday, a small protest took place outside Trump Tower in NY. Another is planned in New Jersey. Trump supporters must be wary of further entrapment. Agitators (paid and otherwise) will likely attempt to stir up violence within any protest that does arise. Biden already considers MAGA supporters “domestic terrorists” by definition. A crackdown is inevitable should anyone take the bait.

Actor Billy Baldwin signals the callousness of the elite class, saying any uprising over a Trump arrest “will be over in Two Ashli Babbitts.”

Yeah, the target’s on the back of MAGA supporters. (And all conservatives, for that matter.) So play this one smart. 

Apple Removes #1 Song “Justice for All” with Trump and J6 Choir.

Apparently the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance are now offensive? On Thursday, Apple removed the #1 single, “Justice for All” from its iTunes store. The Donald Trump-J6 Prison Choir collaboration had been number one for a week.

Just for kicks, I checked. R. Kelly’s catalogue is still there. He’s in prison for raping countless underage girls.

Rachel Levine: “Wheels Will Turn” in Favor of Sex-Changes for Children

Ghoulish Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Rachel Levine predicted the other day that society will soon accept sex-change surgeries for children. The “wheels will turn on this” Levine said.

Sure, Admiral. Genital mutilation of children will be accepted. And you’re winning a Spring Break bikini contest.

Tell you what Admiral. Let’s have a prime time hearing. You at one table. Detransitioned teen-turned activist Chloe Cole at another table, and let’s see how that goes. It’ll go about as well for you as Arizona and Purdue’s first weekend of March Madness.

Levine also remarked that sex-change surgeries and puberty blockers are supported by the “highest levels” of the Biden Administration. 

Christopher Rufo speaks for the sane:

The American doctors who are performing mastectomies on healthy young girls and penectomies on healthy young boys are not the saviors of the future — they are the butchers of the present, enacting a post-modern form of child sacrifice.

International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin

The International Criminal Court on Friday issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for “war crimes against Ukraine.” The court accuses him of direct criminal responsibility for the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children.

The warrant is mostly symbolic. Russia is not a member of the International Criminal Court, and as CNN reports, the court does not try defendants in absentia. So Putin would either have to be handed over by Russia or grabbed outside of Russia.

Russia does not deny relocating hundreds of Ukrainian children, and having them adopted by Russian families. Ukraine claims the kids were forcibly taken.

Here’s to the Cinderellas: Princeton Advances to Sweet Sixteen

Congratulations to Princeton. The Ivy League school advanced to the Sweet Sixteen for the first time in 56 years Saturday after knocking off 7th-Seeded Missouri. This came two days after Princeton shocked the basketball world by knocking off #1 seeded Arizona. (Thus blowing Joe Biden’s bracket picks — and those of millions more — in a matter of hours.)

And if that wasn’t mind-blowing enough, #16 seed Fairleigh Dickinson defeated #1 seed Purdue 63-58 Friday night. That’s only the second time a #16 seed has taken down a #1 seed.

Along The Stream

John Zmirak has part two of his series on forgiveness and repentance: “But They Need to Repent: NeverTrump Christians And Their Leftist Allies Owe Us Apologies.” 

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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