
Sacred Heart Church’s Walls Marked with Demonic Graffiti, Communist, Anarchist Symbols

Many cases of vandalism were made by those people who hate the church. Recently, Sacred Heart Church’s door and some walls were vandalized with anarchist symbols and demonic graffiti. They also started a trash fire in the church’s esplanade. Luckily, firefighters were able to put out the blaze.

Sacred Heart Church’s Vandalism

On Monday, Mar. 13, Archdiocese of Bordeaux’s head of communications, Constance Pluviaud, confirmed that the Church of the Sacred Heart had anarchist symbols, communist and satanic graffiti spray-painted on the entryway, and on some of the walls that make up the facade of the building. The vandalism was reportedly made from Sunday, Mar. 12 to Monday, Mar. 13. Images shared on social media platforms include captions with phrases like “Devil, take me with you,” “Thank you, Satan,” “Lucifer is right,” and “The neighbors hate the Church.”

As per the Catholic News Agency, the firefighters who were called to the location could put out a trash fire in front of the church. This fire was unable to cause any damage to the church. Pluviaud said that a claim for damage to parish property had been submitted to the appropriate authorities by the parish.

Moreover, on Twitter, the prefect of the New Aquitaine and Gironde Department, Étienne Guyot, expressed his dismay at hateful epithets and acts of destruction directed toward the Sacred Heart Church. Guyot condemned what he called these horrible deeds as well. An inquiry has been launched to identify those responsible for the crime and bring them to justice.

According to Communities and Justice, graffiti vandalism is a crime. It is leaving a mark or defacing a building or other property without the owner’s permission. On the other hand, stated that the letter A surrounded by a circle is almost certainly the most well-known sign of anarchy today. The letter “A” in capital letters is encircled by the letter “O” in capital letters; this is a monogram. In the majority of European languages, the letter “A” comes from the first letter of the word “anarchy” or “anarchism.” Britannica explained that anarchism, anarchist, and anarchy are all terms that can be used to convey acceptance and condemnation. These terms are derived from the Greek word anarchos, which means “without authority.”

Also Read: Arson And Vandalism Against Catholic Churches In Canada Still Continuing

Vandalism in Different Churches

Based on an article from the Building Conversation, at some time in 2007, almost one out of every three Anglican churches was the target of vandalism. Stealing, arson, and other forms of destruction have historically been issues for places of worship. They have the potential to turn into hotspots for antisocial behavior due to their prominence in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, crimes of opportunity, senseless vandalism, and minor property damage are too common. However, since churches have dealt with this issue for centuries, most have experienced all that may happen, know how to protect themselves, and are always one step ahead of thieves and vandals.

The number of malicious damage has reportedly decreased over the past several years. In 2002, Ecclesiastical paid up for more than 2,500 acts of vandalism, but by 2007, that number had reduced to 2,000 incidents. Despite this, the total cost of claims for the previous year was £1.8 million, a significant amount for petty crime. The expense associated with these claims was approximately £900 on average. These numbers, of course, do not consider the more minor attacks, which churches don’t disclose to their insurers because the damage isn’t significant enough to warrant a claim. As a result, thousands of churches may be vandalized yearly.

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