
Google honors 17th century midwife who valued lives of mothers, babies – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In an unusual move, the pro-abortion technology giant Google is today featuring an image of a baby in utero to honor a pioneer midwife from 17th century Germany.

The image is part of the March 28 Google Doodle, which inserts drawings of historical figures and events that took place on a given day. Today’s animation aims to celebrate German midwife Justine Siegemund, who dedicated her life’s work to developing safe childbirth techniques and reduce fatalities among pregnant women and newborn babies.

The images included above the search engine bar show a depiction of Siegemund writing her famous book The Court Midwife — a compilation of her experiences and developed techniques — in between two pictures showing the beauty of life. One image shows a baby in utero, with two hands reaching up to guide the baby safely out of his mother’s womb. The other shows a mother cradling her newborn child.

“On this day in 1690, the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) certified her book, The Court Midwife, as an official medical textbook,” Google wrote in its celebratory explanation of the daily doodle. “During a time when few women had access to formal education, Siegemund became the first woman to publish a seminal medical text in German.”

The tech giant offered thanks to Siegemund “for setting the foundation for modern childbirth education,” stating that her “legacy still inspires physicians” to follow her methods and “make labor and delivery safer for all.”

Siegemund lived from 1636 to 1705, when lack of technology and knowledge found childbirth to pose significant danger for both mothers and their unborn babies. Due to high rates of illiteracy, most tips of the trade were passed between peers and generations orally, until books such as The Court Midwife were being written.

The woman pursued self-guided learning of obstetrics after enduring a prolapsed uterus that was “wrongly assumed” as a pregnancy by midwives, according to an article in the American Journal of Public Health. Her work began with offering “free services to peasant and poor women” but expanded with her successful techniques, leading her to be appointed as the “Court Midwife in Berlin” in 1701.

Siegemund was known for not using drugs and surgical instruments even during difficult deliveries. One notable method she practiced when a baby was positioned sideways rather than head down was “a two-handed intervention to rotate the baby in the uterus while securing one extremity with a sling.”

She, alongside François Mauriceau, “was also responsible for introducing the practice of puncturing the amniotic sac to arrest hemorrhage in placenta previa,” a complication in which the placenta covers the cervix and threatens to cause bleeding during pregnancy and after childbirth. During her decades-long career, Siegemund is estimated to have “helped birth almost 6,200 infants.”

Google’s praise of a woman whose life work was objectively pro-life runs contrary to the company’s usual actions in line with the pro-abortion and LGBT narrative.

In 2017, LifeSiteNews reported that Google chose to honor Gilbert Baker, who called himself “the gay Betsy Ross” and is credited with adopting the rainbow flag as a symbol of homosexuality.

Shortly after the world rung in 2023, the Google-owned YouTube platform flagged a LifeSiteNews video with a “context disclaimer” regarding abortion-related content. The note included pro-abortion talking points that disguise the reality that abortion murders a human baby by describing it as “a procedure to end a pregnancy.”

Last week, the Big Tech platform issued a second strike against LifeSiteNews, banning the site from posting for two weeks and leaving it one strike from the channel being deleted from YouTube altogether.


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