
5 Prayers for Those Impacted by School Shootings

Our hearts are breaking over the devastating school shooting that happened earlier this week. When we hear of this kind of evil it can be overwhelming, discouraging, heartbreaking, and devastating to us. One of the most effective things that we can do is pray. I know we hear that prayer is powerful, but many times this is not our first instinct. We can come up with excuses as to why our prayers will not matter or believe that our prayers are not truly being heard by God. However, the Lord makes it clear in His word that He hears the cries of His people, and He tenderly cares for us. Let us take some time to pray specifically over schools today.

We cry out to you on behalf of Covenant School. We know that this community, these families, and this school are grieving and broken. We know that you are close to them and ask that you would reveal your compassion and care for them in this horrific time. We pray for hope not to be lost. We pray against the fears of those involved and the long journey ahead for these individuals. Please help them to find comfort in You, the Great Comforter. Help the church body surround them and show great lengths of kindness and support.

We pray that you would guide the counselors speaking with the victim’s family members and other students. Help them to have the words to say and the ears to listen to those who are hurting and scared. God, please drive out the spirit of fear. Help this community to know that they are seen. We pray for moments of peace and special blessings from you in the devastation. Move spiritually in a time where the enemy meant evil and turn it for good and Your glory.


Teachers and Administrators

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).


We pray for teachers everywhere. We ask that you would help them not to fear going to work every day. Give them strength not to be afraid but to trust in You. Help them to be held by you. We pray that anxiety would have no place in their minds and in their actions. We ask that you would help them to be vulnerable with one another and, where measures of safety and planning are necessary, give them discernment. Help them to be peaceful and comforting to their hurting and confused students. Give them the words to point to You. Help them to use this as an opportunity to share their faith in Christ. 


School Counselors and Community Counselors

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, accommodating, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and not hypocritical” (James 3:17).


We pray that you would help the school counselors and community counselors to model You in this time. We ask that they would seek wisdom that comes from You that is pure, peaceable, gentle, accommodating, full of mercy, good fruit, impartial, and sincere. Bless them with eyes to see children and adults like you. Bless them with ears to hear the troubles. Bless them with sound minds and softened hearts. Bless them with your yoke, which is easy and light when they carry a lot of heavy burdens. Enable them to discern the best needs of those that they see. Help them encourage others who need to speak with them but are held back by pride or fear.



“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him” (Psalm 127:3).


We ask that you would show great care and compassion for children of all ages. Whether in preschool or in high school, hold these children close to Your heart. Help them to know that you are with them. Do not let fear take hold of them in their daily responsibility to be at school to learn. We pray for caring teachers who see them if they struggle and loving parents to nurture them and speak life over them in their processing of this tragedy. We pray for a sense of security in knowing that You are with them always and that You care for them.

Help them to remember that you created them and have a plan for their lives. Help them to be seen, heard, and embraced. Give them strength to trust in You even when the world is broken and scary. Help them to know that You are their Savior and Lord. We pray that this tragedy would help young people to think about eternity and make decisions to accept Jesus as their Savior. We pray that children would feel comforted and encouraged by one another. Help them to know that they are loved.



“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (Psalm 56:3).


Please help parents of children in school to put their trust in You when they are afraid. Enable them to surrender and release their kids into Your loving hands as they drop them off to school each day. Give them peace in their hearts and minds to choose to trust in You. Help them to combat the lies from the enemy with truth of who You are. Give them community and support in their struggles and help them to know that they are not alone. Bless them with peace and confidence in You to help their children see who is their Rock and Refuge in times of trouble. Help parents with anxious children know how to care for them and point them to You. Guide them in decisions about counseling and care.


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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Tiero

Emma Danzey’s mission in life stems from Ephesians 3:20-21, inspiring young women to embrace the extraordinary. One of her greatest joys is to journey with the Lord in His Scriptures. She is wife to Drew for over two years and mom to baby Graham. Drew and Emma serve with Upstate CRU college ministry in South Carolina. Emma is an avid writer for Salem Web Network and provides articles on the Bible, life questions, and on the Christian lifestyle. Her article on Interracial Marriage was the number 1 viewed article on Crosswalk for the year 2021. All the glory to the Lord! She had the joy of hosting Her Many Hats podcast where she explored the many roles that women play while serving One God. Most recently, Emma has released her first Bible Study Book, Wildflower: Blooming Through Singleness.

Emma enjoys singing/songwriting, fitness classes, trying new recipes, home makeover shows, and drinking tea! During her ministry career, Emma recorded two worship EP albums, founded and led Polished Conference Ministries, ran the Refined Magazine, and served in music education for early childhood. Emma also had the privilege of having been a national spokesperson for Mukti Mission based out of India. Mukti has been working to restore shattered lives in India for over 120 years. You can view her articles through her blog at and check out her Bible Study videos on Instagram @Emmadanzey.

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