
April Fools? Canadians to get hit with multiple tax hikes as Trudeau gets another raise – LifeSite

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) –– Despite rising inflation and higher interest rates, Canadians will be hit with a barrage of new federal taxes come April 1, which the Canadian Taxpayer Federation (CTF) has blasted as “undemocratic.”  

Starting tomorrow, Canadians will be hit with an increase to the carbon tax, which was first imposed on Canadians by the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2019, as well as in increase to alcohol taxes.  

The federal carbon tax will go up to 14 cents per liter of gasoline and to 12 cents per cubic meter of natural gas.  

As most Canadians heat their homes with natural gas, the hike means half of one’s bill will now be from the carbon tax. 

It is estimated that the carbon tax increase will cost the average household between $402 and $847 in 2023, even after government rebates. 

Franco Terrazzano, federal director of the CTF, said the rising carbon tax is the “fourth time Trudeau has increased his carbon tax since COVID-19 touched down.”  

Terrazzano said Canadians will have a “hangover in the new year” from Trudeau’s new tax hikes. 

“Canadians can’t afford gas or groceries and the government is making things worse by hiking taxes,” Terrazzano said recently.  

Of note is that while many countries such as the United Kingdom, and more than half of G7 and G20 countries, cut federal fuel taxes due to high inflation, the Trudeau government has only sought to double down.  

According to the CTF, they have identified at least 51 national governments which cut taxes to help people deal with inflation.  

Trudeau’s federal carbon tax is imposed on all Canadian provinces, however, Alberta has fought back the carbon tax by axing its own provincial fuel tax of 13 cents per litre, for the time being.  

On top of the hiking of the current tax, a second carbon tax is coming in July in the form of new “clean fuel” regulations that mandate more ethanol in gasoline. The new fuel standards will see the price of gasoline go up by 13 cents per liter by 2030. 

Former Liberal MP Dan McTeague, who now is the head of Canadians for Affordable Energy, blasted the increase in fuel prices.  

“On Saturday, Canadians will get another taste of your claim of making life more affordable with a carbon tax increase that rises faster than the rate of inflation tolerated by the BoC and guaranteed to raise food costs even higher. Canadians will soon act to vote you from office,” tweeted McTeague yesterday. 

LifeSiteNews reported last year that this second carbon tax will cost the average Canadian worker an extra $1,277 annually. 

The “clean fuel” regulations come straight from Trudeau as part of his constantly growing “climate change” agenda, which many Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) critics have said is contributing to the cost-of-living crisis in the nation. 

The Trudeau government’s current environmental goals – which are in lockstep with the United Nations’ “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” – include phasing out coal-fired power plants, reducing fertilizer usage, and curbing natural gas use over the coming decades. 

The reduction and eventual elimination of so-called “fossil fuels” and a transition to unreliable “green” energy has also been pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) – the globalist group behind the socialist “Great Reset” agenda in which Trudeau and some of his cabinet are involved. 

Canadians to pay more for wine, beer, and spirits, but MPs and PM to get salary bump 

Thanks to an alcohol estimator tax passed by the Trudeau government in 2017, which automatically raises taxes based on inflation, taxes on wine, beer, and spirits will go up 6.3 percent come April 1.  

As it stands now, about half the price of alcohol Canadians pay is in taxes. The high rate of tax caught the attention of federal MPs, who in a surprise vote on March 22, passed a non-binding motion 170 to 149 calling on the Trudeau government to “cancel its April 1, 2023 tax increase on beer, wine and spirits.” 

Terrazzano said last week that “Trudeau must listen to Canadians and MPs and cancel this undemocratic tax hike that will increase the cost of living when Canadians are struggling to stretch our paycheques.” 

To make matters more insulting for Canadians, according to Terrazzano, federal MPs and Trudeau himself will get a salary bump on April 1. 

Backbench MPs will see their yearly salary go up by $5,100, and Trudeau will get an extra $10,200, according to contract data published by the Canadian government.

Of note is that this is his fourth pay raise since the start of the COVID crisis. Most Canadians, on the other hand, took pay cuts or have had their wages remain stagnant for the last three years.  

According to Terrazzano, while people are “struggling to fill the fridge” should they “really think they should take thousands more from their constituents.”  

According to a recent survey, four out of five Canadians oppose MPs getting a pay raise. 

“MPs are taking higher pay the same day they take more money from Canadians and that’s wrong,” said Terrazzano.

that’s wrong.” 

“The government shouldn’t be making life more expensive with tax hikes when Canadians can’t afford gas or groceries,” he continued. “MPs don’t deserve pay raises when their tax hikes make life unaffordable.”  

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