
St. Paulinus Catholic Church’s Jesus Statue Destroyed, Altar Flipped Over

Before the start of Holy Week, an act of vandalism was committed in St. Paulinus Catholic Church. St. Paulinus Catholic Church’s pastor, Father Ryan Salisbury, said, “Somehow, in the Lord’s providence, this was allowed.” His journey was reportedly defined by injustice, brokenness, and injury done to his own body, and in certain instances, this was permitted to happen in Syracuse.

Vandalism at St. Paulinus Catholic Church

A report from the Catholic News Agency reported that on Saturday morning, Apr. 1, a Sacred Heart of Jesus statue was shattered beyond repair, as were the candlesticks and the altar stone damaged. The pastor said that the damage came to a total of $5,000. Luckily, the Tabernacle and the Eucharist did not suffer any damage.

As mentioned, Father Salisbury said that an investigation had been opened into the alleged criminal act, which was not captured on a surveillance camera. Moreover, a Mass and baptism took place on the same day, and the church could be cleaned up in time. The pastor extended the individuals responsible for the crime an offer of forgiveness. 

“While this does not excuse what took place, we want to meet them with forgiveness in any ways that they’re hurting or broken because Our Lord wants to bring them healing as well,” Father Salisbury added.

As per Fully Catholic, on Twitter, state Senator Julie Slama of Nebraska, also a parishioner of St. Paulinus, expressed her grief over the devastation at the church. Slama, who had recently converted to Catholicism, requested prayers on behalf of the local parish. She said that people who desire to worship should be allowed to do so without being restrained by fear and in complete freedom.

Also Read: Wooden Statues of Virgin Mary Damaged By Fire on Three Separate Incidents at the Start of Holy Week

Act of Vandalism at Catholic Churches

According to the findings of the report “Hostility Against Churches Is on the Rise in the United States,” published by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (COAI), there were 420 incidents of hostility committed against 397 churches in the United States between January 2018 and September 2022. The New York Post reported that the attacks were carried out in all 45 states that make up the United States and Washington, D.C.

In addition, the report’s authors stated that the increase in attacks might be related to “a collapse in societal reverence and respect for houses of worship and religion,” specifically churches and Christianity.

Survey says that Americans seem increasingly comfortable striking out against church buildings which points to a bigger cultural problem of marginalizing essential Christian teachings. These beliefs touch on contentious political issues connected to human dignity and sexuality. Accordingly, CatholicVote has found that just 25% of the attacks against churches it has documented have resulted in arrests.

In a letter that he sent to the Department of Justice in December 2021, the President of CatholicVote, Brian Burch, cited at least 114 incidents that had occurred since May 2020 and criticized its leadership for making “no meaningful effort to raise awareness or address the disturbing rise in hate-filled attacks on Catholic religious symbols, shrines, statues and churches.”

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