
Prayer of Protection for First-Responders and Military Members – Intercessors for America

Jehovah Sabbaoth, we thank You, as the LORD of Hosts, for protecting us and our God-given purposes in sharing the Gospel. We praise You, singing: Holy, holy, holy is Your name! We worship and adore You, for You are worthy of our praise.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.

Today we come asking You to protect our first-responders, military veterans, enlisted military members, and all of those whom You have uniquely prepared for air, land, and sea battles in this nation. Though the Enemy has his plans of evil, we know that You are faithful to deliver these warriors, their families, and all your people. As in the day when the wicked King Sennacherib of Assyria made plans to annihilate Judah and Jerusalem, the day Judah’s King Hezekiah cried out to You for help, the day You heard those supplications and rescued Judah from the invasion of the enemy, even so we cry out to You this day: Protect us, LORD! Watch over America’s first-responders, over the members of our military, and over their families — O LORD, save us!

If calamities or crises should come, if enemy armies should attack our land, we decree that our God will give us strength and help; our God will afflict the kings of the wicked with doubt, causing them and their armies to become frightened for their own lives and to retreat in haste to their own countries. We declare divine and supernatural protection over every first-responder, every enlisted military person, and every veteran from any planned attacks. Surround America’s fighters with Your heavenly hosts in the days, months, and years ahead. Make Your name great in all the earth, so that the wicked will flee, being forced to acknowledge that You alone determine our days, the future of this nation, and the hopes of Your people.

We lift these things to You in the authority of that great name that is above every other name — Jesus the Christ! Amen.

Please join in this prayer with one of your own. Share it below.

Mavourene Robinson began in full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools’ Board of Education in 2017–2018, and for the Maryland Senate in 2022. A lifelong learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: Canva.

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