
The Brew: COVID Emergency Officially Over … And Perhaps So Is the Favorite Mantra of Trans Activists – The Stream

Happy Wednesday!

First, some good news to kick off your Brew.

The National Emergency Over COVID-19 is Officially Over

And with one sentence it’s done. “On Monday, April 10, 2023, the President signed into law: H.J. Res. 7, which terminates the national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Took only three years for the national emergency to be declared over, and whatever power (and high office) could be grabbed, but it’s done.

But the repercussions? They’re a long way from done. And we’re not just talking about the side effects from the forced jab. We’ll be paying that piper for years.

Speaking of paying … Kentucky’s Democratic governor Andrew Beshear has been ordered to fork over $270,000 to three individuals who sued over his ban on attending worship during COVID lockdowns. The trio received notices logging their attendance at Maryville Baptist Church. If they didn’t quarantine, they would face “further enforcement measures.” On Monday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed an earlier court judgement that ruled the governor had violated the church-goers’ First Amendment rights.

Whoa. Study by LGBT Advocacy Group Shows Higher Risk of Suicide in Those Who ‘Come Out’ Early

Those who come out as transgender or non-binary before they are 13 years old are at higher risk of suicide than those who wait until after they are 13. That’s the finding from a study conducted by The Trevor Project, the LGBT advocacy group. The numbers, as quoted by DCNF, are stunning.

Among youth who came out as transgender or non-binary before 13 years old, 62% have considered suicide and 29% have attempted suicide, according to the study. But among those who came out at the age of 13 years or older, 51% have considered suicide and 17% attempted suicide.

Now, what does that tell you about the push to indoctrinate — and yes, groom — younger and younger children into the transgender ideology? To sell little kids on the demonic notion that they can pick and choose genders as easily as picking out shoes? The numbers suggest pushing little boys to say they are little girls and vice versa puts their lives at greater risk.

This would flip the mantra “Either give them the blockers and surgery or they will die” right on its head.

But don’t think that’s where The Trevor Project is going with this. They headline the increased victimization of those under 13 compared to their older peers. And they are fighting tooth and nail against laws that would ban hormone blockers and sex changes for minors.

Meanwhile, according to the DCNF, another new study, this one in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, “casts doubt on the idea that children who socially transition experience better mental health outcomes, such as improvements to pathological indicators including mood disorders, anxiety and suicide attempts.”

If you’re wondering how anyone could possibly think this “gender affirming care” is a good thing, Dr. Michael Brown has a new one out, “Understanding Pro-Transgender Sympathies.”

Louisville Shooter a Conservative-Hating BLM Supporter … and Cold Enough to Shoot Someone Who Greeted Him “Good Morning”

We can make it one of our Laws of Fake News: “The amount of attention the media gives to the belief system of a mass killer is inversely proportional to how those beliefs line up with the media.”

For example, last month, the motivation and even the manifesto of the transgender murderer of Christian children were buried to focus on “the gun, the gun, the gun, the gun.”

And now we have the man who killed his co-workers Monday in Louisville, Connor Sturgeon. Heavy captured — before his social media accounts got wiped — that Sturgeon was a supporter of BLM. Indeed, he was the polar opposite of the MAGA Republicans Joe Biden insists are a mortal threat to Americans.

Sturgeon also posted political memes, mainly mocking conservatives, former President Donald Trump and Fox News, on several subreddits, including “DankMemes,” “F***thealtright,” and “trollychromosome,” along with “Leopardsatemyface.” He posted a meme in July 2020 on the “f***thealtright” subreddit of a cartoon of a musclar figure responding to someone asking how he got his muscles by saying, “Every time Trump tweets some racist s*** …. I do one push up.”

Given his political leanings, we won’t hear much more about this mass killing. Except for him being a white male, of course.

Police confirmed a CNN report that Sturgeon had left his parents a message he was getting fired and that he was going to shoot up the bank. However, the Louisville police chief said Tuesday he had no information that Sturgeon had actually been fired. Late Tuesday, Louisville PD released bodycam footage of the police taking fire from and taking out the gunman.

The 23-year-old was apparently live streaming on Instagram his massacre of colleagues at Old National Bank. Recording his deed for posterity as so many killers and thugs are doing these days. Forget the gun. Maybe we should ban cameras.

The video has been scrubbed. However, New York Post reports that the video shows him being greeted by a co-worker with a “good morning!” He tells her she’d better get out of here. And when she turns and starts getting away, he shoots her in the back.

People, it ain’t the gun. When you treat human life like a video game — blasting a human being you know who just gave you a pleasant greeting — it ain’t the gun.

Meanwhile, we continue praying for the recovery of the wounded, including Officer Nikolas Wilt, just ten days out of the police academy. Officer Wilt remains in critical condition as of late Tuesday afternoon after being shot in the head.

Trump Gives First Interview Post Arraignment to Tucker Carlson. Says Workers at Courthouse Were Crying

Former President Donald Trump gave his first interview since his arraignment Tuesday to Tucker Carlson at Mar-a-Lago. Tucker asked him what happened at the arraignment. Trump called the staffers professional, but said many of them were crying and apologetic.

Trump also predicted Biden will end up not running. “I don’t see how it is possible.” He cited Biden’s problem even handling a softball question from Al Roker about the election. “[Biden gave] a long answer about the eggs and this and that — look, I don’t think he can.”

Actually, Biden’s holding off his official announcement until perhaps as late as the fall is a smart move. Say he doesn’t want run. He has no reason to say so. The minute he says he’s not running he’s a lame duck.

Speaking of Joe Biden …

Biden Flies Off to Ireland

Joe Biden is in Ireland to help commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of sectarian bloodshed in Northern Island, commonly known as “The Troubles.” We pray for Biden’s safety as he travels. Last week, the threat level in Northern Island was raised to “severe,” meaning an attack is highly likely. The move was made in response to an increase in “activity relating to Northern Ireland-related terrorism.”

Biden’s also on the Emerald Isle to celebrate his own family history there. Biden talks often about his Irish ancestry.

Along The Stream

Two articles worth the sharing: Tom Gilson on “Atheism’s Unhappy Realities” and John Zmirak’s “Is Your Progressive Neighbor Waiting to Ethnically Cleanse You and Your Family?”

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